MASSIVE site overhaul (finished!!!) THANK YOU!!!


Why are my PM’s being held up in my sent box

Congrats, big guy, on all your work and success with WB!

Do love me some Bashō.

My wife will be thrilled when she hears this!

Are we finally getting rid of the Wine Talk forum?

I’ll still never get your avatar.

When is this overhaul tentatively scheduled for?

Mine is dreading it. We may actually have to talk

Tentatively starting this month, finish August - working on figuring out the mobile theme, as the one we have is not transferrable to the new software. Will be setting up a trial site to fine tun and will be posting updates as I have them.

Their choice really is abominable. Not ever going back there unless they change to something (much) better.

I logged onto spectator for the first time in a long time yesterday and was super confused

You may want to text her a selfie beforehand. So she won’t think you are a stranger and shoot you or something.

You could offer to spend the day buying wine online.

You mean i stopped my WS online subscription just in the nick of time?

Setting up the new server, establishing a fresh database on it where we’ll launch the test site, fine tuning until we have it correct prior to dumping the data to the new software/server (this part will be the downtime, where you’ll be forced to talk to your spouses and other acts of horror)

We could always drink wine while the site is down.

First thread, post a TN of what you drank while the site was down.

Perhaps this should be posted on the other Forums ? Blast message sent out?

In time, I’ll send a message out - not until I know the scheduled downtime, however.

New server and server OS setup, uploading test forum files currently