Mike on Tour--California 2018--July 14, SF Dinner

Could be interested

Thanks again, Joel and to everyone for being able to get together. Looking forward to seeing friends and meeting new friends.


Mike - You can take me off the list. I’ll be way too hungover from lunch to even think about starting again.

Chuckle—got it, but glad to know I’ll see you at lunch. I understand the unspoken rule…I will save the good wine for lunch and bring the swill to dinner [grin.gif]


Any thoughts about a wine theme~or not?

I’d like to, as is my tradition and preference for the dinner portions of these big trips, stay away from modern Cali, as I’ll be tasting all of that during the course of each day. Other than that, up to the assembled. I will certainly have time to source whatever is decided upon. Any preferences on your part, Leonard?

Mike, I cannot weigh in on what wines would be best at The Palace (I haven’t been in many years).

What are you guys using to transport stems? Looking at Yelp photos, their glasses are ok at best…

Don’t want (more of) my Zaltos to break…


I usually bring cheaper but good glasses to offlines, particularly Riedel Overture Bordeaux wine glasses (got at $8 ea. on sale). I use the Riedel wine glass carrier but that is still no guarantee of a safe trip. If I feel lucky, I bring nicer glasses but know that they have a chance of breaking.

  • Joel

OK. I’m initially thinking of a 2008 Georges Noellat Vosne Beaux Monts as a possibility.

No sauternes? [wow.gif]

I’m thinking about something old. And sauternes, obviously. 1975 Coutet is high on my list.

I’m thinking 2011 Hirtzberger GV Honivogl, but will go check out my storage in the morning to see if something else speaks to me more…

As a reminder to all, this offline is already tomorrow, July 14 - Saturday at 7PM. See you all there.

Last night was lovely! Safe travels Mike and until next time [cheers.gif]

Anyone got pics?

Thanks all for coming! It was great to see everyone again. Joel, thanks for organizing! The food was great.

Here you go. Updated for better quality pics.

Well done!

So appreciated seeing everyone and special thanks to Joel for organizing. Notes will be up soon—I’m so behind!

Edit: very soon. I put my head down and typed…