Mini-BerserkerFest 10.4 at my house (San Clemente CA), September 7 2019 - NEW START TIME

Should be an easy drive up on almost empty road (by LA standards) early Sunday morning from San Clemente, no? Sleep is overrated.

Sorry to miss you, Mike!

Forecast is creeping up a bit - now a high of 81, was 77 or so. Aim late if the weather stays hot, and we’ll do an even-later start to keep it cool.

Let me know if you plan to bring something, so I know what to fill in. Will be shopping Friday!

Just please no Speedos. [snort.gif]

Borat will approve!

Will bring light jackets, then, will be downright breezy for us :slight_smile:

Have a chunk of pork belly in dry rub for 10 days now, smoker tomorrow. Home made bacon. Will let you know more tomorrow, food wise, probably a salad and a main.

Wait, what? You are bringing all that stuff??? Remember I have a bunch of Flannery to grill! However, Rob Winn is coming, and he can eat the meat like it’s going out of style!~

Well, you haven’t seen us at past OC tastings, we travel well stocked, Rob knows :slight_smile:

I’ll bake a dessert of some kind. I also should be able to bake one of my sourdough loaves.


We’re confirmed in! My wife will only be around for a relatively short while since she’s driving us up there and then continuing on to LA afterward (whereas I get to Uber home) but we’re both very excited for it!

Will be great to have you!

Sending address via PM

Will bring a big bowl of guac with chips again.

Todd, with the time change and our other plans, I will have to bow out. Sorry to miss this.


Cris - thanks (the tree out back must be producing like crazy, huh? jealous…)

Brucie Poo, dammit, dude!! Come on!

If I am not too late and if here is still room I would like to attend. I am not much of a cook, but I could still bring something. Perhaps spring rolls (not fried)? Or I can make a decent hummus. Let me know.

Either sounds awesome - will be PLENTY of meat for the grill, as I have a huge zabuton and two tri-tips, plus Greg’s bringing stuff.

Would love to have you!! Glad you saw it! Haven’t seen you in ages, bud!

Thanks! I already have a couple wines in mind.

Crap, I need to up the game now on Rossi Burg offering…

One day we will either get you up here, or we will come down there! Too much wine to not share!

You just figured that out?