I will be moving into far west Philly, near Manayunk, for a few months. After that, I will most likely be living in West Chester when my fiance finishes law school.
Compared to the PLCB desert of quality wine advice, Moore Bros. is a pleasant oasis. They don’t have much stock over $100/bottle and few “treasures”, focusing on affordable food-friendly “drink now” wines in the $10 - $40 range. When you consider the AFWE oriented selection (starting a decade before it was cool), staff knowledge/quality and provenance…the few extra $s is not a hardship IMHO.
Good luck with the move. The Ardmore PLCB specialty store will probably be your best bet from Manayunk.
Welcome to Philadelphia! I’ve been a resident for the last 3 years, it’s nowhere near as bad as some make it out to be.
There are indeed ways to have wine shipped to your door, I’ll send you a PM.
The greatest asset of living in Philadelphia if you’re a wine lover is the BYOBs… rieslings at Han Dynasty, burgundies at Blackfish… the options are limitless. IMHO the ability to bring your own wine to a huge number of restaurants outweighs the increased effort required to source good wine.
Tom G. and Richard - Awesome suggestions and I will definitely hit those up.
Ted - A meet and greet would be awesome, considering I know my fiance and family in the area and that is it. It would be great to meet some locals who are into good wine. Any ideas?
Chris - Thanks for the help and I will definitely be hitting up those BYOBs, especially Han Dynasty (I can drink my virtual body weight in riesling.)
Hello everyone, just to chime in, I live in the north-east suburbs of Philly, Newtown area, but work in Paoli. Would love to connect and perhaps get together for an off-line. I will check out the proper thread.
Most of the wine I get is drop shipped from WineLibrary, Lastbottlewines.com, wtso.com and their platinum membership. Also, empirewines.com and marketviewliquer.com ship to PA from NY, have good IMHO selection and customer service. Check out Empire ship 4free and ship12free for a mixed case offers.
Get to know your UPS and FedEx driver or a local distribution customer service folks. Once in a while I treat them for a bottle and they handle my deliveries with extra care. You do need to sign for wine so ship it to your business address or where an adult is always present.
Well, I know this guy in Wilmington with a relatively new operation, Down to Earth Wines. Take a peek at the site, www.downtoearthwines.net I am in the Philly area often.
I think that any Burgundy/Piemonte loving individual would be into what i’m up to…
All wine is direct from domaine, at the best pricing nationally. (price matching is often aok)