Napa Mini Offline - Oct 2 @ Napa Valley Wine & Cigar

Do we have a start time for this little soiree?

I was hoping we could get started around 6:00 since it’s a work night but I don’t think Todd can get here that early so we’ll have to start without him. Todd posted 6:30 in OP [berserker.gif]


I told you I was going to show up at 7, probably, but we’ll see how soon I can finish deliveries. I’ll change it to 6 so you and Randy can get to bed by 8, ok?

You mean, I can’t stay until 1am, like I usually do? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well Todd, not all of us have a life of leisure and only work a couple days a week and sleep until noon. neener

Fortunately my children take care of themselves so I can get my 16 hours of sleep before going surfing and getting a massage

Should the theme just be ‘bring good wine’?

We don’t want it to be ‘bring a bad wine’ … You have any ideas for food?

Round Table [stirthepothal.gif]

Brian, UM NO, why is you know how coming?

Is there a good option for pick up that one of us (I will if I’m not running late) can pick up?

I’m ending my day in Calistoga. I could pick up some BBQ at Busters.

Uh, I don’t know how. neener

NICE!!! That’s my vote!

OOH! count us in on bbq

Appleby’s!!? [stirthepothal.gif] [stirthepothal.gif]

Randy LOVES a BBQ!

Look! It’s so preeeeeeeetyyyyyyyy!


Hahaha! TBone, you know Randy tooooo well :wink:

I was planning on bringing some burrata.