New Orleans Hotels

We stayed there years ago and loved it but when I checked this year for reservations they were all booked up as far as the reservation page showed.

Soniat House has been sold and the new owners are renovating well into 2022. Found info with a google search. The hotel info doesn’t mention it.

Looks like I’d love the place.

We’ll if the renovations aren’t going well maybe Robert can pick up a new client.

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See Post #23 above. Sherri and I had different views about the Ritz, but I am sticking to my guns.

Went to the Sazerac for some after dinner whisky. That is a swank bar with beautiful people. I see Big Doc holding court there. Whisky list was ok. We then hit a more local bourbon bar, Barrel Proof, that had over 300 whiskies, including some premium stuff like Pappy’s 12 and 15. Ate at a local place, Saint John. Excellent food and cool vibe.

Not sure of the bang on Ritz. Definitely not one of the nicer Ritz Carlton‘s that I’ve been at, but I thought the location was solid, the service has been excellent, and everything was quite nice to me. The jazz bar was absolutely packed at midnight, a very convivial place. Nick and I were in and out, leaving at noon, so this hotel made sense for a quick trip rather than some boutique hotel.

In and out?

Just back from a long weekend and stayed at the Royal Frenchman at the corner of, yes, Royal and Frenchman. Very nice place at a reasonable price, and the location on Frenchman, right on the edge of the French Quarter and the very cool Bywater neighborhood, cannot be beat. I had a Frenchman Street balcony room, and while I would stay there again, I think I’d pass on the balcony for a bit more soundproofing from the late night revelers.

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