Look forward to seeing what you think!

Shelby - I have to know more about your beautiful farm dogs! Some kind of aussie/pyr mix? Looking forward to trying your wines, still figuring out which package to go for.

Oh…the 22s are all beautiful wines. I just bottled the Sojeau Pinot the other day and it’s pretty amazing. What a vineyard! The 22 Bracken Chard and Pinot also really singing. I really moved ot Oregon to make Chardonnay - so it’s pretty much my favorite child.

They are Aussies BTW - big, chunky aussies.

If I find any as I do inventory after this weekend I’ll let folks know! Also pouring it at the Allison Inn sparkling event tomorrow if you’re local!

In for #3 sampler…excited.

Went in on the Bracken Blanc de Noirs yesterday and returning to pick-up the Solera Blanc de Noirs today. Haven’t had these before but have heard great things!

Love the Bracken, excited to now taste the Sojeau. Thanks!

Good call…that’s the OG Bracken lineup!

In for the mags. I purchased from you in early ‘22 just by randomly poking around Oregon wineries. Still have at least one bottle of the 2020 good, the bad, and the bubbly.

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I’m in for the 6’er.

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The Spaghetti Western wines were incredibly experimental…people got so excited about them I just had to bring them back!

In for the acid pack! Excited to try your wines. Love that Sojeau and looking forward to trying Bracken!

These bubble programs are definitely going to be long-term experiments. As I mentioned in the thread above, I’m trying to make wines in the context of the vineyard…not just use a specific methodology…so some of these will be their own thing…and it will be a journey - maybe even bizarre at times…but what I can promise you is that these will not be soulless sparkling wines.

Thanks for coming back for more…the 22 Sojeau is a stunner.

Thanks for the love!

The Bracken has younger vines and perhaps a little less density in the wine. In some ways as the vines get older you can see a sameness…but differences definitely remain!

In for the offer 1 and 3 packs. Excited for the two bubbles, but possibly even more for the rose! Have had an eye out for pinot noir rose and/or pinot noir blanc lately.

Look forward to tasting my “offer 2”!

First time buying. These pinots (#2) will be some of the first bottles I crack open from this year’s event. Thank you!