Portland OR - any burg lovers want to drink with the newbies?

3/29 sounds good. I work that day but a 7pm start time works for me.

Coos Bay but in PDX not infrequently.

Would like to join in.

That works for me if you all have room for an extra

Looks like 5 are in so far: Lee, Jeremy, Yao, Andy, Joseph. Who else wants in? How many have +1s that will join us? I haven’t talked to Melissa yet to know if she wants in, but it’s likely.

7pm is a little late for me on a Sunday, but not absolutely too late. If we did pot luck, we wouldn’t have to wait for food. Or if we did the “Family Feast” at Ned Ludd (whole table needed), we would cut out the time to decide on food and place orders.

For potluck, we could host here in Montavilla if the crowd isn’t too large. Jeremy – what are the requirements for getting space at PWS? Any WWS members interested, and how would we get space there?

I could try for earlier 6:30, but I can always arrive late.
*For Portland wine storage up to 10 people without booking the room. Sunday’s Are usually open. I would have to let people in if its here.
I could invite some people from the storage also of we need more.

I haven’t been well the last week, just starting to get better. All things considered, why don’t we postpone this?

I second postpone.

I third