San Clemente on Saturday November 9th UPDATED POST 1

Why wouldn’t you? :slight_smile:

Looks like I will likely be +1 bringing my friend Jeff whose tastes in wine very much mirror our honored guest

I am looking forward to meeting you guys. Should be fun. I guess being a ten minute walk is a good thing. lol

Looks like we are six total.
I have a Cab and an extra bottle of Pinot, just in case.
I say bring what you’d like to bring, just not Bordeaux unless its Pavie…lol

Sounds great Mike, very much looking forward to this!

Also, MacDonald just “a cab” is pretty funny.

Is there still room for 3 more?

I haven’t tried this restaurant yet so I don’t know the setup for a good sized group. As far as theme goes do we want to continue a high end Cab theme or go with more variety? If there is room for us I’m open to whatever.

We do. The rsvp is for 10 people.
Please join us.


Would not mind for a decent Tempranillo to show up-- hint hint.

Outstanding! See you there.

Confirming dinner is at 8?

I just got back from a visit to my Doctor’s with short term bad news. I’ve got to abstain from alcohol until next Wednesday! I am very disappointed as I haven’t had a chance to see the South OC group for quite some time. Hopefully I’ll get the OK to resume my wine drinking and make the next get together or even host something soon. Have a great evening everyone!


Sorry to hear, Dennis. Feel better.

Yes, we are set for 8 although I am not sure of the count…

Does anyone know if vine has decent stemware?

Please, if I can add a plus 1. May I?

Joe, I’ve never been to Vine so not sure about their stems. From yelp, the stems looked decent but the photos were kind of old.

Mike, Of course you can add +1.
The rsvp is still for 10 people.

As of now we should be at 7 people.

Sorry to miss you Dennis. Hope you get better soon.

See you guys tonight. Looking forward to it.