SAn JOse, CA-area BYO wine dinner Potsticker King Fri. Feb. 13: Still On


I’m in.

I think I will be back from a business trip that week, won’t know until I book it. Count me as a likely.

Well it’s more the date that I’m scared of - [wow.gif]

I didn’t realize we could bring a date.

I don’t know if I can get down there in time. Based on when I get out of work and traffic down, the earliest I could possibly make it would be 7:30, maybe 8 PM. I assume y’all will meet for dinner earlier than that?

Wait - isn’t this Wine Pimps forum?


Can’t make it. No surprise right? :slight_smile:

Potsticker king is hm, above average Chinese food. They’ve been around in that plaza for 25 years. I remember first going there when I was 8 or so for soy milk and “donut” breakfast. Maybe a different owner now though, but their food has been pretty consistent. Their Taiwanese (or Taiwanese versions of mainland) offerings are definitely better than the generic or Cantonese dishes.

I still go there from time to time for lunch.

We’ll save some wine for you. Hurry.


I’d love to participate. Looks like I’m in town that week.

Then who’s going to tell us haoles what to eat? C’mon, make an exception.

I didn’t realize we could bring a date.[/quote]

Everyone can bring a date except you. The restaurant has a sign on the door. Also, no shoes no shirt no service.


OK, if this is the kind of event that is informal and won’t be terrible if I have to back out at the last minute, then count me in as a maybe. I have literally no control over my schedule on an average day, and I could get out anywhere from 4-8 PM, though USUALLY on Fridays I’m out by 5 or 6. Which would mean I could be in Cupertino by 7:30, ideally. So, if the event fills up, let me know and I won’t show up. Otherwise I’ll text someone when I’m done to let them know whether it’s still reasonable for me to come down. Sorry my weekdays are a mess.

Sounds good. You have my phone #.

So, I unfortunately can’t make it. My little brother is introducing his girlfriend to the family at dinner that night, and he takes priority. Next time!

Still full speed ahead

Ramming speed.