Sandler Rolls Back the Prices, 33% Savings on 4 Packs!

I’m in! Awesome offer! Thank you Ed! [cheers.gif]

Ed’s normal wine prices are already massive value.
Eds sale prices are an incredible bargain.
Ed’s BerserkerDay deals feel like stealing.

At this rate, next year Ed will just pay us to take the wines!


The line starts behind me.


I thought I put an order in for a Pinot 4-pack, however I didn’t get an order confirmation/receipt by email. I’m a little worried I only dreamt that I ordered.

Scott, I’m on a flight to Houston, and if the Southwest Airlines wifi allows this reply to go through, I can confirm you definitely ordered yesterday. Thank you, and thanks to everyone who ordered!! Some of those compliments went too far, but I appreciate them. My interns and fellow winemakers I work with might have completely different things to say about me!!

[wow.gif] [wow.gif] [wow.gif] [wow.gif]

You, my friend Ed, are certainly a gentleman and a scholar - and I don’t know ANY winemaker who does not respect you and your skills . . . and your dry sense of humor! You make all of us look better, brother! champagne.gif [snort.gif]

Still catching up, but in for one of each.

Just sooo good…

I was putting my BD purchases into CT and decided to get the Sandler 4 pack as well! Thanks for keeping the offer open, Ed!

Thank you for going the extra mile to reply while 5 miles high! I appreciate your response and I’m very excited to try the wines. From the board buzz, it sounds like I can’t go wrong.