Sandler Wine Co. BDXV 6 Packs and 4 Packs 30% Off w/ Free Shipping!

No brainer every year. Ed makes great wines!


The new 2022 Merlot is awesome. Everything you want from a Merlot. Very nice structure. Long finish. I think itā€™s Edā€™s first Merlot for Sandler.

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Even Ed brags a bit about it, and heā€™s not that type of personā€¦so itā€™s GOT to slap

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Ed never told me that he made Merlot for him in 2022! Must try!!:grin:

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In for the Pinots and the Anything but Pinots (full universe)- great purchase every year

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Went for the six pack. Thanks, Ed.

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How can you have such a sense of humor on BD Eve? That was funny!

Iā€™m punchy from insanity?

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In for 4

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I help Ed bottle and pour at his open house in December. So I may be just a wee bit prejudiced. :wink: His 2022 Merlot is killer. Full stop.

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In for 2 of the 6 packs. One for me and one for my pops :heart:

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Order in, best QPR!

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In. I am so bloody predictable.


Order in

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Iā€™m in for a Central Coast Pinot 6-pack!

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New producer for me, trying the anything but pinot sampler!


Grabbed one of each offer and look forward to trying my first bottle of Sandler after seeing so much repeated praise. Thanks for participating in BDXV!


Outstanding wines from Ed, what a deal to add to my cellar. Great wine at incredible prices!

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Seriously, such wonderful wines at insanely reasonable prices. From one of the masters!

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