sediment filters worth it?

Some years ago I had a stainless steel funnel (I think I lost it in a breakup with a former girlfriend :clown_face:) and just this past week I ordered a replacement. My primary use for the funnel is for getting wine from the decanter back into the bottle, something I tend to do when I have friends and family over for wine and we’re going through a few bottles. While I’ve gotten pretty good at accomplishing this task without a funnel, I decided it was time to spoil myself . . . . :grin:

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I use a hybrid method where I stand the bottle for a period ( 4 hours to 3 days) and decant using a flashlight. I stop the decant when the sediment approaches the bottle neck and slide the decanter away and move a stemless wine glass in place. I then use a stainless funnel with a removable 200 fine mesh nylon filter (purchased on Amazon) to pour the remainder through into the glass for a preliminary taste. The filter does an excellent job of removing even the very fine sediment and can be rinsed and reused.
HAUSPROFI Stainless Steel Funnel, 5.1 inch 304 Stainless Steel Kitchen Funnel with 200 Mesh Food Filter.