SF Bay Area/Peninsula OL - January 28

Before it hits the sidewalk drain

Ok sound off.
I’m in.
I’m leaning toward 07 Burg…

I’m going to bring something Foillard.

Likely I will have to pass on attending this…

I might bring Aussie leftovers instead of the Morey because the Aussies turned out to be a tour of the best Australia has to offer .

Girardin CC 2002 and a backup Austrian Riesling :slight_smile:

See you tomorrow!

Is that like the “Best of Enya”?


Paul Martin’s is in Hillsdale Mall San Mateo correct?


After the Verset, yeah. Before the Verset I was comparing the Aussies to each other with great interest and nothing about the non-Aussies threw me off. But the Verset rebooted my palate and brain and the Aussie shirazes got less interesting. I then went to the Aussie cabs and I was pleased. but around that time my palate was fried.

I’m looking forward to trying the leftovers tonight to form a final opinion and a goodbye to the Parker Aussies. I found I still have plenty in my cellar which surprised me.

I think the Verset might be one of the best wines I’ve ever had. It was the perfect time to drink it.