SF Bay Area/Peninsula OL - May 13 - Paul Matins

I know that you all are well past the wait list total attendees, but I will match Daniel’s contribution to get in on the fun of this OL.

You have some of Alan’s wine too?

Is there a theme for this offline?

Theme? [wow.gif] pileon [snort.gif]

Yah I picked up his MacDonald for him.

Sorry, I was just messing with Alan. I was thinking about bringing Cote Rotie.

Well, if you want to drink this now, we can, but then I’ll have to take it out of my will. Your choice.

What??? I can’t convince all of you holding onto your MacDonald’s to pop them on a Monday night? I’m still in if there is room on the patio.

Ok - so let’s have a few themes.
I’ll propose one - Barolo/Barbaresco with at least ten years of age.

I can bring '99 Damilano Barolo Riserva.

Says the guy on the Italian wine kick. I’ve got almost no Italian, will find something drinkable.

I could bring a 2005 Vajra Bricco delle Viole or go a bit more modern and go with a 2004 Scavino Bric del Fiasc (was delicious last time I had it, but the oak was definitely present…)

The bottle of Damilano is the only bottle of Barolo/Barbaresco in my cellar. Next time, he’s on his own!

If you want my vote, no modern-style! I’m very much a traditionalist when it comes to that region.

Sorry you can’t make this offline.:smiling_imp:

But seriously, I’m suggesting a couple themes. Italian as one, maybe another red and white.
Chris narrowed it down…eh sorta… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

So I guess we are all just bringing whatever :joy:

Whatever you do, don’t bring a 2010 Whatever - bad vintage. Make it 2009 or 2012, Whatever was much better in those years.

Well narrow down your idea [pillow-fight.gif]

Yes, please include wine in what you bring.

I’ll bring some crappy old Italian stuff.