SF Bay Area/Peninsula OL Nov19 -Yuzu


We won’t make the mistake of leaving the mouth uncovered. Any fool knows you tape that first.


Ok list updated.

What wines are we thinking?

See post 25

I’ll bring a Burg and a mystery wine.

I’ll bring duct tape.

01 Jaboulet Sterimberg Blanc

I’m down and have a riesling and mystery white on my mind… Thanks Dan and Gene, Yuzu was great last time there.

and BTW: 2 open house(s) in the city on Sunday. Harrington/CB Cellars and August West/Sandler/Mannsfield Dunne/Cellar 33/Highlawn


I have to drop out. Prepaid seminar that evening I forgot about.

3 Berserker Day participants. August West is noon-4, Harrington is 1-4. About a 5 minute drive apart.

Updated to add Sean and delete George because he’d rather go to some seminar :roll_eyes:

When do we need a definite head count by?

Another Gene question. Is the cost our usual $80 cash out the door?

Usual $80 all-in cost, covers food, gratuity and tip. Cash only, please.

Please confirm by Saturday evening. Bear in mind this is a prix-fixe specifically ordered for us, so adjusting for less folks can’t be accommodated by the restaurant. Any last minute cancelation/withdrawal by confirmed attendee(s) results in the rest of the group having to cover the cost. So please attend if you RSVP!!! [cheers.gif]

Still in

Still in.



Still in