*SOLD OUT* Di Costanzo Wines, Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon | BD11 Offering

Email sent for one of each option.


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Hi all! DI CO 2016 is totally sold out. I will be replying to some emails with regrets, and can offer 2017 DI CO in limited amounts. Please bear with me as I do these one by one. Analog over here :slight_smile:
More updates re: quantities as I am able to provide. THANK YOU!

You are confirmed! Hang tight & thank you!!

Uh oh, I haven’t gotten confirmed yet. Hope I can get me some DI CO…


Fingers crossed. BTW - love the name Erin Di Costanza. I think I sat next to one of each at Our Lady of Victory elementary school.

Fingers crossed you still have the 17 DI CO when you see my email. [cheers.gif]

You might be on to something. [cheers.gif] Let us know if this approach works and you get some of the sold out vintage. [popcorn.gif] I believe you call it “sucking up”. [wink.gif]

I ordered 6 of the '17 DICO last night, but not with a discount!

Can’t wait to try these!!!

Peter, thank you for that order!
I have been able to offer 2017 DI CO to people who didn’t get the 16, however at the list $55 price.
Cheers & thanks again ~ E

[cheers.gif] Congratulations Erin and team.

Yes, I wasn’t expecting a discount, and I should have bought it back when it was offered! [cheers.gif]

Wow. Congrats, Di Costanzos! champagne.gif

Does this mean if I haven’t heard back from you, I’m out? [scratch.gif]

Congrats on your first BD sellout!

I suspect the Di Costanzo team wasn’t quite ready for the hectic frenzy of a bunch of us nutters who have money burning a hole in their pocket!

Great and thanks! I am really looking forward to trying your wines…They sound like they are a great fit for my palate

Congratulations, Erin and Massimo! Also congrats to everyone who ordered this juice - you’re going to be happy.