The Sexiest Man in the U.S. Wine Industry is . . .

I’ve been in sales for 35yrs and Terry Theise might be the single best sales guy I’ve ever been pitched by. Having heard him twice though thats all I need. There’s no one better at making a medicore product sound like you have to have it. I’ll just make my own decisions on which of his wines to buy without his prose. It’s a great show though if you’ve never heard him.

Which pretty much eliminates 99.58% of Berserkers… [snort.gif]


Wow! That was painful. [bleh.gif]

Due to their (lack of) manners? :wink:

If only I didn’t buy my jeans at Costco.

Not measuring up well, Counselor?

To be more specific, the guy behind the EMH table at Bassin’s tasting qualifies. Oh wait, he was a volunteer, not ITB.

Let’s move along to Rob Casey, Brand Ambassador for Carte Blanche Wines. And the wine is good, too.

Can’t believe women don’t find us attractive since we all look like this. Their loss

It’s very difficult to pull off “swagger” with Kirkland Signature jeans. Or so I’m told.


You guys are so wrong, my buddy MarcF redefines sexy . . . .

[PS. He actually gave my authorization to post this pic; as a good friend, I asked]


Notice the wine goblet in his left hand!

Like the toenail polish too.

Is that your wifes toes tickling my trombone? …love the wine glass, a tasty bordeaux full tilt

That’s just me positioning myself for another night lakeside at the Alfert’s

Has Maureen Downey authenticated this tattoo yet?