TN: NV Laherte Frères - Blanc de Noirs Brut Nature (France, Champagne)

Ain’t that the truth. The idea is so much fun, but then they sit and sit.

Oddly, it’s the less fancy and geeky mags I’m far more likely to open. I might take one to a restaurant with civilian couples, so I don’t have to bring the wine bag or something.


As I may have mentioned elsewhere, Polaner had a mid-October pre-arrival consumer Champagne tasting and sale for wines that arrived in December (and I received first week in Jan.). I liked the BdB and vintage Empreintes poured in October, but was really impressed by the BdN, one of only two wines I bought pre-arrival. A couple weeks ago, I opened a bottle of the BdN and it was not nearly as good as the one I had at the tasting but WAS consistent with the OP here. Don’t know what to make of it unless (1) something happened to the shipment, or (2) I had an off bottle, or (3) it needed more than a couple months to rest, which seems to be a “thing” empirically but is hard to understand chemically and in any case doesn’t exactly square with the sample bottle from October.

Graf, I found some in Nor Cal @ the Bottle List for $47.50. That is an excellent price. All in, with ship and tax, gonna be around $56. FYI.

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Cool. For my part, since it’s not inconvenient for me to pickup, I might as well just buy from WHWC and support one of my “usuals” in doing so.

Brain…We have the L. Frères NV bdb here local for $59…any note u could share?

paid $60 each for the Rose and BdB in DC this weekend. Paid $285 for the last bottle of Collin’s Les Maillons at a restaurant.

Usually finds like this are long gone.

After Falltacular?

In the driveway right when the auctioned closed. i got a couple pours.:partying_face:

Not for us it ain’t! We go through mags of champagne like water. Every time we have 6 people, and often for just 4. Mags of champagne are so much better than 750s, and if you don’t finish, there’s always tomorrow.


dammit, @Brian_Bohr !!

Yep and in October, he did the same thing. Auction closed, he was in my driveway with a mag of LF BdB BN.:clap:

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well I know where to hang out NEXT Falltacular!

Where the heck were you? Bohr is 6 feet, that mag is the size of a small pony…how you miss dat?

Talking to the chef, @Nancy_Dolce, @Brian_Tuite , few others, out by the grill

Go call Veronica over at Hitime and lock down a mag or two. At 110, they got those priced right.

Yes you are correct! although prefer 4 people to a mag :slight_smile:

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Which Champagne were you guys drinking?

Don’t make Todd mad now.

I opened 3,
A Vilmart Grand Cellier d’Or

I brought one more but can’t remember what it was.
And we had these…

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Looks like Todd was doing just fine, then. :grin:

How was that Laherte that you opened, Brian? I haven’t tried that one. Yet.