Turley 2018 Fall Release

Anyone know if this release will be in the new “standard” bottles rather than their traditional Turley bottles?

I already knew this but such a bummer to read again:

"Sadly, the Salvador vineyard was ripped out in the winter of 2020; as such, the ’18 is the penultimate vintage of the Turley Salvador. "

Order in

I do not think these will be in the new bottles. The information about the new bottles came from an instagram post from Tegan, where he alludes that the first wine in the new bottle will be the 2019 Juvenile.

Order in. I forget, which release will Include Rattlesnake and Dragon zins?

Haven’t figured out how to reply to specific posts, so commenting on a few at once pileon

  1. I second the comments about Pesenti and Uebberoth. Two of my favs.
  2. 2019 is the first vintage with the new bottles so the Spring release
  3. Some other news about the vineyards I heard from someone at the tasting rooms. In addition to the Salvador being ripped out, the Library vineyard appears to be headed towards the same fate. I really enjoy the Petite! And apparently Heminway has smoke issues so 2020 may be lost for that vineyard. But on the bright side, they started sourcing fruit from Monte Rosso,likely to make up for the loss of Salvador.

Got my order in but went light and kept it to Zins, I have a back log of Turley PS. Ueberoth, Heminway, Judge Bell, OV.

No Dragon. No Rattlesnake.

Not happy today.

Thank you all for the super quick and helpful feedback! I was def going to go for the OVZ just as an entree to their portfolio and I’m glad to have received all of your suggestions before I put in my order.

2 Hayne PS
2 Hayne Zin
1 Ueberroth
1 Library PS

Just had a 2011 Hayne PS last night, reminded me how amazing these wines are.

When do we find out about wish lists?

I was granted both of my wish requests yesterday (extra bottles of Pesenti Petite Syrah, and Library Petite Syrah).

Anyone know what release the Tecalote is usually in?

Have to purchase at the Paso winery usually.

It’s never on a spring/fall release? weird.