US 25% tariff on European wines; 100% "digital" tariff on French products called off for the moment

Damn, what a bizarre incentive structure. Big subsidy to overextracted left bank Bordeaux and Burgundy. Does anyone have Trump Administration connections that can change it to a 25% tariff on wines over 14%? Much better public policy justification!

Just remember that over 14% wine already has a higher tax structure, so labeling wines as over 14% does not mitigate the whole cost of the tariffs.

That isn’t correct. The tariffs are calculated as 25% of the import cost, not the retail sales price.

You’re both right. Yes it’s true that tariffs affect wholesale cost, not retail sales price. But in addition, to John’s point, there is almost certainly some demand elasticity, which means that a rational supply chain will not pass on 100% of the cost increase

Deleted for bad math…

I think the consumer and suppliers will share the burden of the increased cost; however, who takes on what share of such cost will depend on demand elasticity. I imagine the suppliers will bear more of the increased cost in connection cheaper, value wines (or potentially stop selling some of them, depending on their margin), while the consumers will probably bear more of the increased cost in connection to more premium wines.

Hopefully this lowers demand from the USA for a bunch of wines I want, making it easier for me :wink:! I sympathise with you guys in the US though, at least those of you who didn’t bring this on yourselves.

Apparently, the ruling on Airbus came first and the Boeing ruling will be later. The US and EU couldn’t come to an agreement on subsidies to aerospace. No surprise in this environment.

Stop baiting me, Howard!


Yay. Somebody gets it!

Guess my wife and I can wave bye-bye to Mosel Riesling for a while. [cry.gif]

Edit the above was mentioned earlier.

The EU objects to Boeing/Lockheed tax incentives as well.

Phuck. I have to go back to Ovid?

Did you read what I was responding to? It was:

If the mark-up stays the same in percentage terms, the middlemen will take their cut based on a post-tariff price and that cut will be 25% larger in dollar terms. That will get you to $62.50, before factoring elasticity etc.

There’s a rumor going round about an extra surcharge on stinky green French cab franc.

If the tariff applies to foie gras, I’m voting for Bernie!

I don’t think you will have a chance to do so.

I heard he plans to tax it out of existence.

Now that he is all stented up, perhaps true.

I managed to get a whole suitcase full of Rioja, Sherry, and little cans of foi gras out of Madrid two weeks ago and customs waved us all through, now I wish I’d done two suitcases!