Vins Rare wine shop

Of course.

That said, why?
I am having a hard time understanding your care about a retailer complaint whom is twenty hours away by plane (“on a lovely day in South Australia)”).

I was trying to decide if I was going to respond to Bryan’s comment or not. This started as a simple communication issue that could’ve been resolved with a “my bad, I’m busy, but will get it done.” That response convinced me not to buy from him. I dont care whether he’s a good businessman or not, it was a shitty response to a concerned customer.

If I’m grossly misreading what he wrote, then my bad, but I don’t think I am.

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I dont think location matters all that much here, an Australian opinion is just as valid as anyone’s


I care because I feel this type of public shaming is pathetic and felt strongly enough to chime in. This is a discussion board and I’m adding my ‘two bob’s worth’.


Glad it’s not just me. All the likes he received for it had me wondering. Plus the subsequent responses. I know I edited my post above as not to cross his response too hard but the tone does not seem conciliatory at all.


Didn’t Bryan publicly shame OP right back with revealing his order and the price of said order? Seems like a lot of people are now caught up with the bottle only being $25 instead of the original complaint.

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I disagree. He effectively got ghosted by the retailer (3 weeks with multiple contact attempts) and voiced his discontent. That’s exactly what a discussion board is for - sharing information.

That said, I did remove my post because I thought it unfair for me to say something negative with no firsthand knowledge.

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I felt the same way too.

All Bryan needed to do was say “I’m sorry” and instead ridiculed the OP and publicly disclosed his order. Seems like a dumb move to me

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Why must I accept something I didnt order? I had my reasons for my orders. Maybe others are ok with just accepting things they didnt order but I am not. Especially, when I wasnt asked first.

A popular store in NY asked me if I would take a different bottle because they were out of stock on the bottle I purchased. Since they asked first, I gladly accepted.

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I personally felt that it put the situation in context.

Could Yong have just accepted it? probably but he shouldn’t have to.
Is it a big deal? not really…
Could Bryan could have responded better - most definitely
Is it all taken care of now? - looks like it?

we good?

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Can we just tack on…

Nuke’s scared because his eyelids are jammed and his old man’s here. We need a live… is it a live rooster?
We need a live rooster to take the curse off Jose’s glove and nobody seems to know what to get Millie or Jimmy for their wedding present.
Is that about right?

Then I think its all covered.

Because in this case you should have. You have wasted a lot of time and got yourself all worked up over nothing. The replacement wine was fair. Move on mate.

No, you’re wrong. I dont know where you get this idea that when someone purchases A, the seller can give them B because they’ve decided it’s better. It’s not what they purchased and it’s on the seller to give what’s purchased or offer an alternative.

Max, from a contractual basis I’m sure I’m wrong. But given the facts in this thread, I reckon Yong’s behavior would fail the ‘pub test’. Sometimes its not simply black and white. Be a good bloke, do the right thing and move on. Don’t stoop as low as the person that has ‘so called’ wronged you.

I have no dog in this fight. But seriously tell me how the retailer “ridiculed” the OP.

He offered his take on the disagreement. You can disagree with his perspective but I see no evidence of his personalizing the argument or belittling the OP.

Am I missing something?

Roasting a guy for substituting a $25 bottle with a $30 bottle? Give me a break… From the responses in this discussion, I know who I’d like to share a bottle with and who I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t know Bryan if he stood five feet in front of me, but he has always delivered what I’ve purchased from him. I kinda like eating and drinking very fine wine with his IT guy, though.

The customer isn’t always right. Material harm is a good concept to consider. Was the purchaser materially harmed? No way.