When Was the Last Time You Did an Inventory?

So did I.

Uh, never. Always a surprise when I rummage around.

About a year ago. Had a retailer that didn’t line up with receipts and shipping. Been very studious about making sure everything comes and goes from Cellartracker since then. God I love cellartracker.

I’m a pretty organized person to begin with and being able to find a wine when I want it is very important. Thus CT is a lifesaver and I am very OCD about entering and removing bottles on a daily basis. Thank you Eric!!

Me, also about a year ago. My offsite lockers are organized by 12 or 6 bottles to a case mostly. If I have 11 bottles in a box, for example, then I put a wine called “empty” in the 12th slot for CT. When I fill the slot I drink the empty so to speak. Each box has a number assigned in CT. Then when I run a location report if I see something that says 13 or 11 bottles, which happens more often that I like, I go and figure it out. I don’t keep too much at home, so while its in CT, I keep it up, but if I get sloppy, its somewhat easy to take a home inventory.

I try to do an inventory about once a year now.

I try to be good about marking things as moved and consumed but even with my smallish cellar things get lost. On the run and grabbing a bottle for something. Get busy and never mark it off. Then a year later I can’t find that bottle.

I store in numbered boxes and use those for bins in CT. Makes iventorying go pretty easy with a laptop.

just did an inventory off home/office, and have the unpleasant task of the offsite soon… i don’t mind the moving boxes, etc., but there is so little room outside my locker that i’ll be relegated to standing in four foot circle for hours.

It’s funny to hear that many people actually find bottles they didn’t know were there, I suffer from the opposite fate of thinking I had a bottle of something left but not finding it. Ugh.

Let’s see . . . today is 3/24 . . . carry the one . . . . NEVER.

I like finding bottles I had forgotten about, rarely sweat the ones I can’t find, and “doing inventory” sounds exactly like work.

So to recap…personal stuff: rarely.

Business stuff: Right now, this minute. Reconciling after BerserkerDay and readying for my next pre-release.

I think I have a dual personality.


You think?? flirtysmile

Soul mate!

Matty - you know I love you, too. flirtysmile I always look forward to hearing from you.

As an individual, I can be quirky. You think I have lived 65 years and don’t know that? I would posit that I am no quirkier (hmmm…that sounds WRONG) than at least 50% of the people hanging around this Board. Add to that my gender difference from the overwhelming majority of this Board, and the fact that in addition to being a wine aficionado, I am solidly in the wine business. From growing to making to sales and delivery. I am one person and will not apologize for that. I try to be clear, when I post, what the root of my post is. It’s often dual, but I try to be clear about the root.

Now back to my freaking inventory. Ran across some personal bottles as I was handling my ITB bottles. And I found a number of personal bottles that I am storing here that belong to other people…people I know from this Board.

What to do, what to do.

I’ve done small parts as I’ve reorganized from time to time, mainly to make more space; but otherwise never.


I am not sure why you are “giggling.” That is what females did in 1960.

Mr. Freemott: I would like you to state, here, what the problem is what you have with me. You strike out, often. But I cannot understand it. I have no problem with you, and if I have transgressed in the past, please post. Everyone can see. If I have transgressed against you, I apologize in advance. I will address it. I am not perfect. But your constant hammering at me is tiresome. State your case. I am a big girl and will own up to my failings. Can you?

‘I think I have a dual personality.’

Made me giggle.

edited by mod: warned user. Profane personal attack.

Ok. I can do that.