Where is the Glasvin of corkscrews?

This. I’ve used the same Coutale for going on ten years without issue. If it breaks I will just buy another. I’m not a fan of the one step designs either.

If the wine is 15 years or older, I normally pull out the Durand. Why risk cork failure? I like simple waiter corkscrews, but honestly, on young wines, the Campagnola corkscrew is a work of art, durable and works so well. Has a large, flat helix blade rather than a wire, so grips the cork better. Been using it for 15+ years. Given how much we spend on wine, I would not use cheap corkscrews, especially mature bottles. The 1985 Trotanoy I popped on Saturday - with a saturated cork - would have been a mess without a Durand.

A couple of years ago I bought 2 different PullTaps on Amazon to replace all my cheap waiter corkscrews that were in various stages of falling apart.
Both are very solid & perform well. The $7 version has some rougher finishing on the hinged lever component, but the $20 version has nicer finishing. They’re not flashy or stylish so don’t know if they could be considered Glasvin-esque; just inexpensive, very solid & functional.

these look great! thanks.

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agree with this. i prefer a two-step, but for some reason these work as well. also the conical worm is so smart - more should use that. it just feels very balanced/heavy in the hand.

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Wait, you have a Rabbit to take to restaurants?

Keith Levenberg is correct - Coutale, for sure

Depends on the restaurant, but the lunch places I bring my own glasses and tools and open the bottles myself. They don’t charge me corkage. Also even for dinner if it’s not a somm kind of place, I prefer to open my own bottles and they often only have a cheap disposable water’s key to offer me.

I had one, was not that happy with it, and was sort of glad I lost it. I then bought a Hicoup and like the action on it and feel of it much better than the Coutale.

The one Yaacov apparently will go with is a single hinge. I may buy it to try it for comparison. But I’m not a big fan of single-hinged pulls.

I like the coutale. it’s directionally where i want my perfect corkscrew to go. i don’t think single or double matters if the single is the right angle / length (two examples of fantastic high end ones are single). i don’t want one that’s “good for the price” i want one to wow me. the coutale just feels cheap, because it is. it might not exist, but was hoping to find some new info here. so far, we’re on the right track.

I have a ~15yo Legnoart corkscrew that I love and I think was somewhere in the $50-100 range. Very high quality and it has held up impeccably.

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Not sure why you’re finding the Coutale cheap. It’s very solid and weighty compared to most and the moving parts are tight with all the motion at the proper angles. Maybe you just need to try another model. The one on Amazon as the Prestige is the one I’ve ben using. I agree it’s not going to “wow” anybody but I question whether a corkscrew is a tool capable of wowing in any functional sense.

this is the one i have (at least 2 of these). not sure if it’s the right one or not. i want more. i deserve more.

okay, now we’re talking. these are beautiful and look very functional. price is great too. now i need to find some stateside. thanks!!

I think the expression of surprise here was on account of walking into a restaurant toting a corkscrew the size of a chainsaw.


Available on Amazon.

+1 on the Coutale Sommelier Prestige model. I’ve had mine for 4 years now. It is a very solid, 100% stainless steel (except for the wood that is attached to the handles), precision tool. It is covered by a lifetime satisfaction guarantee. What’s not to like about that? It wows me every time I use it. Cheers!

They also have a USA outlet with more options.


Two disqualifying problems with this design:

  • the two-step mechanism is hinged rather than sliding. Much more awkward motion and operation.
  • the cap opener (if it has one? I can’t tell) also requires unhinging rather than being accessible from the closed corkscrew.

My Coutales are pretty much bulletproof. Any bottle that doesn’t get Durandized gets the Coutale.