Who is buying Belle Glos on WineBid?!!!

If it’s not moving, then no one [cheers.gif]
May be an instance of putting it out there to see who bites, and if no one does, then gradually drop the price until it sells through.

Belle Glos is awful at any price. Call me a snob, I want Pinot to taste like Pinot. I want to have a sense of region/place.


Using said popularity, I was able to amass a bitcoin fortune and a small 2 oz pour of the new Belle Glos vintage!!!

On an unrelated note, lots of great 2012-2014 vintages of Sojourn on WineBid this week…

What is wrong with flat Cherry Coke?

Recognizing that this is a wine board, I respectfully disagree that it’s an “awful” wine. I bet you’d have a tough time actually naming a wine that is truly “awful” in an objective sense (Mad Dog 20/20 doesn’t count). Instead, I’d offer that it’s a well-made wine that’s just not your taste, and likely not the taste of much of the WB readership. But it’s not an awful wine - if it were really a bad wine, no one would buy it, and that’s just not the case.

I realize that I’m bickering over word choice here, and “awful” means a lot of things, but one thing I’ve learned from many winemakers is to be careful about distinguishing between my personal taste and the actual quality of a wine.

Anti-Anti-Anti Wine snobs chap my hide. I am anti-hide chapping.

Pure curiosity: what is your impression of it?

I usually take Marc’s side of this point, but I thought in this case, it was clear enough that “awful” was according to P’s subjective personal tastes, and he even clarified that his main objection was to lack of pinot character and sense of place.

It would be like saying A Wrinkle in Time was awful - I don’t think anyone would take that to mean it lacks any skill, expense, effort, etc., as though it were objectively equivalent to one of those old movies skewered on MST3000. Someone would just understand that you found the movie not to your liking subjectively.

Now, if someone said Belle Glos was the same as a $4 Trader Joe’s pinot or something, just because they didn’t like the style of the Belle Glos, then I’d agree with you, but I didn’t take that from P’s comment.

This is the The Princess Bride of threads…

It has everything, and in just the right amount to be completely enjoyable. Well done Berserkers!

I like it. It’s on the larger side, for sure, and I tend towards leaner Pinots, but I’ve bought it before and will continue to buy it and enioy it when I want a bigger Pinot.


I realize that I’m bickering over word choice here, and “awful” means a lot of things, but one thing I’ve learned from many winemakers is to be careful about distinguishing between my personal taste and the > actual > awful quality of a wine.

Awful, i.e. awe-inspiring!


I don’t understand why anyone would buy it on wine bid when it’s readily accessible at retail without a buyer’s commission and shipping costs that would likely raise wine prices to above retail levels. I don’t understand why folks would pay to back fill it, but that’s because it’s not my favorite style of wine. You can buy many of their wines are retail liquor stores here in Dallas, and at grocery stores around my area.

I thought of this thread yesterday evening, as a member at Grailey’s popped on after canning a bottle of 2010 Radio Coteau Savoy (which is a solid domestic). It’s the first Belle Glos I’ve seen at Grailey’s. I have seen Caymus there, though, so to each his/her own.