Why be Friends on CT?

Is it Tom from Myspace?


I think this is a big part of it, as a carryover from other forms of social media. Sometimes, though not always, I get the feeling that friend requests come from those who are drinking a lot of the same wines, while fan may indicate a lesser degree of overlap.

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No Sir. I’m following Sarah’s advice, you’re just trying to get into my pan… euh, cellar!!

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That just put a little bit of age on you Doc! :wink:

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I remember LiveJournal too :smiley:


I usually add friends before a big h̶e̶i̶s̶t meetup.


i enjoy looking at friends’ consumption history to see what they’ve been drinking since we last talked

What’s your handle?

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It was fun to do with people I often saw in real life many years ago. Now I don’t find the need. Just as often a friend would cherry pick the best bottle they saw and try to pressure me into bringing that for our next gathering. That’s just lame after a couple times. I don’t really see a good use for it anymore.

I DO find the ‘fan’ function very useful. If I see a useful note I will check out the user’s other notes to see if I find them consistently useful or that we likely agree a good deal on similar wines. Seeing those stars next to those names while researching wines is quite nice.

Why you gotta embarrass me like this? Dude, I only did it 2x. Points.

I don’t recall you ever doing that, Frank. Dietz OTOH…

:laughing: Man, I don’t even know how to use half of the crap in CT, let alone how to see your cellar. I still use Classic :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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This is the way.

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That’s what I was guessing but I have no idea.

Me too. Very cool of Eric to leave us that option even though I know it irks him.

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I apparently have 11 friends (1 is my wife, and I know 4 others IRL) and 31 fans on CT. My “cellar” (such as it is - currently 20 bottles) is publicly visible. None of these facts has ever made any difference that I am aware of to anything in real life, so it doesn’t worry me either way.

I think a good CT privacy feature would be to create a setting for automatically disallowing friends requests, with an associated list of exceptions.

One edit…I do use the newer platform when wines arrive and I add them to my cellar, i.e., when I Accept Pending, or something to that effect. But other than that, when I am in there, I almost always want to be in classic. it feels more like home.

What makes you say “Me too”? What about it keeps you liking classic.

When I get directed to the new version (like if I click on a link on WB that goes to a tasting note), it just feels like it takes several clicks/pages to get the same information you can get all in one place in Classic Mode.

That just plus decades of familiarity with Classic Mode, I guess.

Tell me why it’s better to add wines to your cellar. That’s probably my least favorite feature of the Classic Mode.

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  1. Who Can See What?

Who can view your cellar? (help)

  • Everyone
  • All members
  • My Friends and members who are Fans of me
  • My Friends only
  • No one
  1. Hide my count of bottles from other users
  2. Who can see your profile
    and post messages to your
    profile page? (help)
  • Everyone
  • All members
  • My Friends and members who are Fans of me
  • My Friends only
  • No one
  1. Include my real name with my profile
  2. Who can comment on your
    tasting notes? (help)
    Note: All tasting notes are automatically made public
  • Everyone
  • All members
  • My Friends and members who are Fans of me
  • My Friends only
  • No one

I wasn’t sure what the implications of fan/friend were in CT, so looked up the Privacy settings page under my profile. That is what is shown above. A CT user has pretty complete control over who can see what in your cellar.

I’ve been more or less an open book, sharing my cellar publicly, and adding friends with common wines or tasting note interaction for over 15 years now. Never had any concerns or issues, my cellar is not stacked with valuable wines, so never thought anything of it. Other than people I have met through CT forums and here have always been like minded wine geeks, I have traded wine a few times with people and have been doing Secret Santa (a CT forum thing) for a long time where seeing cellars and finding a “right” gift is part of the fun.

For folks that prefer privacy, I fully respect that and am not at all offended if someone’s cellar is private. The options above have always been part of CT I am fairly sure, Classic, modern, ap, whatever.

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