Wine Club Software for Small Producer (Cheap but powerful?)

Reviving this thread as I think a few changes have happened and some updates are needed.

Offset, the software solution previously referenced as Commerce by Figure, has had some major growing pains (when one of the bigger software companies saw everyone jump ship to them). It took them over a month to answer my email and when they did, they rejected us because we were too small. Many smaller wineries are complaining about them and how the service level has plummeted.

@Ridgely_Evers - seems like the softare you helped developed has also changed name and been sold?

So, what’s the latest: is there a good platform available today for smaller producers that allow good allocation management etc? Have any new players turned up?

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Hey Adam – thanks for reaching out.

CompleteDTC (f.k.a. Captina) was acquired by VinoShipper in May of last year; I’m still actively involved, and am on the board of the combined company.

I selected VinoShipper for CompleteDTC’s next phase because of their customer-centric culture, their deep understanding of what it takes to sell alcohol in states other than your own, and their very friendly pricing. Adding their capabilities into CompleteDTC, which we’ve been busy working on for the past year, has created an unmatched system.

With the benefit of being able to sit back a bit and look around, I can honestly say at this point that CompleteDTC is, by far, the best solution for running a DTC winery. Their significantly larger development team has made possible a number of improvements to the CompleteDTC system in the past year, and we will be announcing a couple of industry-changing updates in the coming weeks.

Interestingly, their pricing fits smaller producers especially well, as there is no fixed or minimum fee. They’ve cleverly used their client base (well over 2,000 wineries across the country) to secure UPS rates that are incredibly low, along with great credit card fees. And support remains excellent, industry-knowledgeable, and unlimited regardless of your size.

All by way of saying you might want to dig a bit deeper; maybe schedule a demo…

Thank you @Ridgely_Evers

I’ll have a closer look!

HI Adam, We have allocation management within Bottle360. Much of our club management and processing has unique features compared to others, making it more intuitive and easy to manage and increase club.

Commerce7 was sold to Full Steam which is an investment company who reports state is possibly over extended. They have bought up some 77 other software companies and now manage the product. Employees at a trade show recently seemed to be uncomfortable with the changes

We acquired the former Truvi Commerce in 2021 and since then have invested millions of dollars into rewriting, improving, and adding to the platform. We now believe we have the strongest DTC all-in-one winery software. Transition to our software is a breeze since we do the transfer of your sales history, products, club members, notes, and more with our inhouse team and only once your test site looks perfect do we move your account to a live version. Monthly costs only begin at that point. We easily provide the smoothest switch to a new platform in the industry and provide true 24/7/365 phone support. All wineries regardless of size should see a demo of Bottle360 before choosing their solution if they are looking for intuitive software that helps them sell more wine and reduce labor waste.

Thank you. I’ll book a demo.