2016 MacDonald release

I think it’s pretty fair to say that MacDonald has reached a plane that was occupied by the likes of Screaming Eagle and Scarecrow about 10-15 years ago. I heard stories about both from a former business partner that involved both brands being rather draconian in their tracking down and policing of re-sellers, and removing them from their list. Others might have some stories they can share about those efforts.

Right or wrong, I think the intent of those wineries was to on some level to ensure that the wine ended up in the hands of those who enjoy actually drinking it and sharing it with others. I don’t think I’ve ever met a winemaker or winery owner who set out to make a flippable wine.

That being said, MacDonald is not only one of the best and highest quality wines made in CA, but the winery has also done an admirable job of building and managing its reputation. It certainly makes sense that they would want their wine to end up in the right places.

Y’all made me throw my name on their wait list. Maybe in 10 years I’ll get a crack at an allocation. Too many good posts about this winery to be on the sideline but the aftermarket price is way too high for me to go buying bottles.

Similar, I joined up this Summer after listening to Graeme Macdonald on the I’ll drink to that podcast. Cool story, and what sounds like a great winemaking philosophy in a great Vineyard. Hopefully we’ll get to try some before getting on the list!

Honestly not much of a difference. Sell one at aftermarket and you drink two for next to free. Doesn’t everyone deserve to drink top tier Napa cab for free? Don’t we all? Of course not. That’s profiteering. Now selling at release or close to it, that’s sharing the love.

Does your acquaintance know he’s not getting an allocation because he flipped his wine, or is it just that the save the date email is floating around in the ether ? I visited with Alex and Graeme back in April 2017 and the secondary market valuations came up at one point. I don’t recall them being particularly concerned or upset, or hearing one of them mutter something about “d*mn flippers”. Based on that, I’d be surprised if they tossed someone from the list, but of course, things could have changed over the past 2 1/2 years.

So anyone selling wine on Commerce Corner not at “ release or close to it” should loose their allocation.

Never said that. Its not my call to make. Go ask Alex. he’s 10 ft tall

I’ve opened one bottle so far, a 2014 back in March. This wine is ridiculously good. Sitting here typing this, I can still taste it. Brilliant wine.

Only way to really know is to log on after the release; emails sometimes don’t show up as expected.

I think there is way too much gossip going on here. Let the flippers flip, let the drinkers drink, it is their wine to do whatever they please.

Due to the generosity of a fellow Berserker, I too was able to try the 2014 last year and completely agree - absolutely fantastic juice.

I do wish allocations were 3-6 bottles instead of a static 3, would make opening one up so much easier!

This is the internet and we are on a chat forum, right? [scratch.gif] Innuendo, gossip, opinions, stories, rumors, and the like are all grist for the mill.

Tip of the hat to you Berserkers…i happened upon the original post way back when & hopped on the Macdonald train for the '10 release and my (3) btl allocation every year since - based purely on the early buzz. I’ve opened a single bottle (a '10) a few years back with some of my closest wine buddies here in Atlanta. I just have been reluctant to share a bottle with someone who doesn’t appreciate the story of what these guys are all about. Been pretty amazing to watch it unfold - I remember calling out with an address change & Graeme called me back immediately & chatted for 20-30 minutes. Everything you hear about these guys is the truth…really genuine fellas.

I look forward to going out to visit one day soon - and taking a bottle with me. For that matter, i’d be open to pull a cork & share with some of you folks - but I ain’t a-gonna flip none.

In for my 3 this year…and hope some of you get the nod who’ve been waiting.

Can’t wait for my three pack, a wine I’ll buy while I’m above the dirt. We opened a 12 last weekend with great friends in Sonoma, I thought it showed gloriously.

Obviously everyone can do what they like with the wine they buy. The point people are making is that they are okay if owners dump flippers off the list.

What’s the ageability of MacDonalds?

Nobody knows, but my guess is it will age like Ch. Latour. That was the thing I thought of when I first tasted it. The wines are really compelling.

In a 2014 “I’ll Drink to That” podcast, Graeme mentioned a goal of making a wine for aging, with a window that opened at 10 years, going for 30+

Anyone read the mailer from MacDonald? I for one will try to avoid any products from Constellation forever.