5+1 ways to eliminate the HANGOVER....and YOURS?

Coconut water and Vitamin Water Revive work wonders for me. If I have some eggs and cheese with those (usually an egg sandwich), I feel much better. Eggs contain NAC, which seems to help with hangovers.

I’ll be testing this out shortly, and will report back

I like this along with some Berroca C. (B vitamins and vitamin C)
You need lots of it however.

Ran some sprint intervals for roughly 2 miles, and I feel substantially better (my 35th bday party last night - I’ll report on the wines later).

Took some time to convince myself this was a good idea and then to finally drag my hungover ass outside to do it…but it was definitely worth it.

The owner of the wine shop I worked at years ago would stumble in every morning hungover. While the coffee was brewing, he’d down a BC powder with a V-8. Every morning.

For me, Pineapple juice in a Perrier on ice usually helped. Luckily, I have not had a hangover in a very long time!

James Halliday here in Australia swears by Vitamin B supplements. He has it before he starts drinking and then the following morning. I can’t find the article where he said this, but here’s the quote.

D: And finally, for a man who devotes his whole life to drinking, you must have an awesome hangover cure?

J: Vitamin B, Mega Vitamin B, but you’ve got to take it the night before, before you even go out and then double up in the morning. Those 2 things really help your liver function and make your hangover much less horrible than it otherwise would be.

Considering he drinks more 15%+ shiraz yearly than I’ve probably drank in my whole life I suspect this man knows a thing or two about hangovers. YMMV, but I’ve found it helpful.

lots of water, milk thistle and ibuprofen.

Large milkshake with two shots of espresso in it. Cold, caffeine, sugar and fat.

I try to stay awake for at least an hour after halting consumption. Watch tv, mess around at the computer, drink approximately a million glasses of water. If any effects survive to the morning after, it’s a couple advil liquigels, two glasses of water, and a cup of coffee as quickly as I can get them all down. That staves off the symptoms for the time being.

The only time I really feel crappy (usually just a headache for me) is when I partake in that late night whiskey, and fall asleep while still quite drunk. Gotta handle it the night of for me.

I was told by a friend that charcoal polls do the trick. Bought a bottle a couple years ago, but have not had a chance to try them out.
I always drank 32 oz of water before bed if I felt I would be hungover. That worked for me.

Whoa. That came out of left field.

i’m sure this helps greatly but how does all that water not wake you up to pee?

I used to do the charcoal pills, which I think really only help absorb that last drink or two so that they don’t add to the problem. Now I just try to stop drinking a little early, then I down glasses of water and B vitamins until bed (it’s the B6 that helps with alcohol metabolism). Another benefit to chugging water before bed is that I usually have to wake up to pee in the middle of the night. If so, then its another glass of water and a couple Advil and back to bed. Haven’t woken up with a hangover in years with this regimen.

Running. Works every time.
After breakfast and coffee.

As mentioned above by the smart guys, drinking water, lots of it especially throughout your over indulgence, in additional to a couple of glasses upon rising and the price paid will be greatly reduced.
Hair of the dog works for some, but then you may feel worse later(and early in the day)

I have noticed with fully mature wines there is much less damage.

I find knowing when to stop is helpful to me.

I am not a Doctor but I thought it is advised not to mix any pain killers (Advil, Tylenol, aspirin, etc) with alcohol ever.

Sleep, ideally an early finish, I certainly aim to be in bed before midnight these days.

I believe Tylenol and alcohol over time can do liver damage, but I don’t believe that alcohol particularly interacts with Advil/Ibuprofen or aspirin.