5+1 ways to eliminate the HANGOVER....and YOURS?

Morning exercise, even mild, and a tuna fish sandwich with milk for lunch.

I think it helps to drink water and take aspirin before you go to sleep. If that doesn’t work, what works best for me is a bong hit, more water and aspirin, and preferably a few more hours of sleep. If I can’t sleep in I also add some nutritional yeast to whatever I eat for breakfast to get a big shot of B vitamins.

When I was a student studying wine and biochemistry, I came to the conclusion that vitamin B2 specifically is a good way to avoid hangovers. It definitely worked for me, however, I would also wake up in the middle of the night or early morning, full of energy, and couldn’t get back to sleep. It sort of defeated its usefulness.

These days I do 2 things: I try to drink a glass of water for every glass of wine, and I also avoid Port or any sweet, fortified wine, if there is also dessert on the menu. Mixing sweet, high alcohol wine with sweets leads to the worst of all hangovers.

For me, slamming a coconut water before bed does the trick.

Haven’t had a hangover since a good friend and prodigious imbibed clued me in to that…

I like to take a Pepcid before drinking. Then, two bottles of Urban Detox before bed seems to help.