Ah So — Ah Sucks!

I’m glad that you got one and I don’t mean any disrespect, but don’t you find it amusing the reluctance to spend on a lifetime tool what many here routinely spend on a single bottle of wine? You are certainly not the only one.

None taken. Kind of silly to wrestle with it but I did. But then again it’s kind of a crazy price for something so simple and small. [dontknow.gif]

The reluctance in my case–and I suspect I’m not the only one–is that the actual device, a corkscrew combined with and ah so, doesn’t seem to merit the price, whatever meriting a price means. After all, the two tools separately, even relatively expensive versions of them, would cost well less than half a Durand. In the big picture, though, you are obviously correct. It’s just that we aren’t all rational about these things. I got mine as a gift maybe three years ago, by the way, and I swear by the thing.

This is so true. It’s an Ah-so ($20, $25 max) plus a long screw (let’s also generously call that $20). $45. This should be $60, max… Really, it probably should be $40 - $45. Once the patent expires, I imagine this will be widely available for a third of its current price. $125 is pretty damn crazy, and built-in to that price must be a whole lotta money “for the good idea,” which – in this case – is worth paying for.

That said, like Cris, I acquired mine by way of gift. I love it, and would definitely replace it myself if the use of a waiter’s corkscrew in conjunction with an Ah-so proved to be ineffective.

Well I can rule that out then

I appreciate the joke, but, other than the couple of times it takes to use and ah so correctly, it don’t find it takes much patience or practice at a;;. My method for corks that push in too easily, takes none of either. Unless it’s hard to grasp something with your thumb and forefinger.

So you better drink up all of your Jordans!!

I located my Durand!

Back to being lazy.