Anyone reading Jamie Goode's new book, "I Taste Red"?

Not at all Jamie. As mentioned in my “update”, I was shooting from the hip. The topic cropped up here, I had literally just finished your book, and I was in a hurry. My post was more-or-less what I would have said to a friend in the pub at the time, and some of it was wrong - also mentioned in the update. But details and tone aside, it did reflect my feeling at the time.

Hope you also picked up on the positive comments I made in this thread - it was not all negative

Neil? Neil Beckett of World of Fine Wine? If so, look forward to reading it.

I am literally in the middle of writing a review of the these books side-by-side on my blog. They make an interesting comparison.

Crap, now I have two books to buy and read. Can’t these guys stop overthinking things, and just let us alone to pontificate wildly?

Given the recent thread on evaporation vs oxygen interaction in decanted wines, I think it’s time to bump this discussion up.