BerserkerDay 11 Master Thread - FAQ/Updates/Info - RECORDS SET YET AGAIN!

Looks like you may need to consider making this a 2-day event next year…92 offers is a lot to sort through in one day! Congrats on what is going to be an epic Berserker Day!


:flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed: My first year. I pray for some mental toughness. newhere newhere

Anyone else day drinking while they order large quantities of wine?

I have Several BD day favorites queued up for Sunday. This will be a big improvement comfort-wise from last year where I was making purchases from coach crossing the Atlantic and even during a 45-minute layover at the airport in Istanbul. My office chair is much more comfortable and the music so much more enjoyable.


Oh yea. I have tremendous will power when I am not drinking. After a couple glasses of wine, my will power goes to zero. BD sounds like a day I need to let that will power take a back seat!

Any ETA for when the GCC Forums will be populated?

Asking for a friend…


Patience, grasshopper . . .

But seriously, let’s get this party started Todd and Brig!!!

Can we start a petition to get Todd to switch coasts so we can get these things started earlier!?!?


I keep hitting refresh on my browser, I’m getting repetitive motion injury and I blame Todd…

Everything’s live in their respective forums.

Remember, NO PURCHASES CAN BE MADE IN THE PREVIEW FORUM, only the Early Purchase Offers forum

I don’t see the Early Purchase Offers forum - where might it be located?!?!?

Berserker Day, busting wallets and carpal tunnels one year at a time…

Ugh. Just watching this on an iPad. Can get to my laptop later and order.

OMG - I figured Todd would be sleepy and the madness would start later and now I’m already behind in emptying my bank account!

So wild and crazy offers out there!

That’s the trick about Early Purchase Offers - some, like Jean Edwards and I think Riverain last year, sell out on that day! Looks like Salt Vine already sold out of one of the vintages, too

Been hitting early purchase offers hard. Mom, send money quick!!!