Champagne bottling code secret decoder ring

While the champagne domaines continue to improve their practices regarding providing detailed label info, I continue to find new releases that do not include base year and disgorgement date anywhere other than in a code etched on the bottle.

Our resident champagne experts have posted “secret decoder rings” for specific bottlings in various threads but I haven’t seen a central resource where these are collected for easy reference.

Inclusion of this info in TNs is incredibly helpful and, of course, if you want to use the guidance you have to be able to ID your bottle.

If there is already a compilation of the code formats, I’d love to know about it. If there is not, perhaps this thread can be a central place for collecting the information.

If it’s helpful, I can make an effort to collect info from posts in this thread and update this initial post with a summary chart.


Thanks, Markus! That’s a great list.

Sticky, please?

Just FYI in case it doesn’t get pinned, you can bookmark it for yourself by clicking the little hamburger at the bottom of the post to expand the list of tools, and then selecting the “bookmark post” icon.



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Thanks John!
That’s a great feature that, thanks to you, I now have learned and will put to good use!
(I had heard about bookmarking, but hadn’t actually used, thus it hadn’t sunken in and forgotten.)

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Ok, but what about older bottles, before QR codes and transparency?
I got my hands on (traded the contents of my wallet for) a magnum Charles Heidsieck Brut Réserve Mise en cave 1997 with L20792 10573 printed on the neck foil and 100/0000356/02 printed on the back label in the bottom right hand corner.