Chelsea Wine Storage

Hi, all - I’ve been using Chelsea Wine Storage in NYC for wine storage for a number of years now. Initially, they were well priced and had relatively good customer service. But things have deteriorated since then. In March of this year, they changed their billing practices from monthly to quarterly. And, today, they changed them again to annually, with about a weeks’ notice before the next charge. I’m ready to change providers and would really appreciate any insight into the best ones in the NYC area. Thanks!

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Manhattan Wine Company has served me well. They recently opened a second storage facility in NJ and deliver to the city as needed.


Week’s notice?

Pretty shitty

Run like hell

Hope it works out


Wow, you held out a lot longer than I or my friends did.

I moved to Mana in Jersey City. Most of them moved to Manhattan Wine Company which provides pick up. From their Manhattan store


Recently opened up an account with Manhattan Wine Co and will concur with others: top notch. Excellent communication. Great reputation. Couldn’t get storage with them before they opened up the new location, which was a good if inconvenient sign a few years back.

An alternative that’s a little farther away and probably with less accessibility overall, but also great people and safe storage: Horse Ridge Cellars in CT. Really nice people, excellent inventory system.

Finally, the significantly more expensive but also more convenient option if you are in Manhattan is Wine Cellarage in the Bronx.

I am currently storing wine with all three of these companies and am happy with all of them


depends on factors important to you. key criteria for me was: reputation, fair rates- especially for removal, ability to have items shipped/delivered easily to Ny or Nj, and saturday hours. i can’t always get to drop or pickup during weekdays. so manhattan storage worked best for me as i can drop off/pick up m-sat to their manhattan store (without a fee or charge for outbound within reason), or just schedule deliveries.


I’ve been using River Valley Wine Cellars up in Westchester for years and they have been very easy to work with. They also do pickup and deliveries in NYC. They have a new manager Michael who has been making some nice changes.


Bumping this thread as there are rumors floating around suggesting an implosion. For example, I have read elsewhere about total radio silence for customers trying to reach them by phone and email. Does anyone have inside or additional info? I and most of my friends and acquaintances pulled out years ago, but I feel for anyone who still stores there that this is not a good sign.


Yikes, that’s no bueno. Although can’t say I’m surprised by this.


Not a surprise at all, but very sad for current customers. I pulled all of my bottles a few months back after seeing the writing on the wall. Pushing billing from monthly to quarterly to annually within months, and with about 2-weeks’ notice each time, was a sign. My bottles are with MWC and I’m really happy with their services.

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MWC is top notch and incredibly responsive.


Hello Berserkers!

Would anyone who deals with Chelsea Wine Storage have any updates on their whereabouts? I have a customer who has some wine stored with them, and they have been unresponsive. They’re hoping it’s not a Premier Cru-like situation and they are seriously frustrated. Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you.

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Maybe call the retail store, Chelsea Wine Vault? I know they are operated by the same company. When I stored with them before, I would pick up fines directly from the retail store.

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they moved out of chelsea market a while ago and moved across the street. the new space is scary weird. there’s a dj booth downstairs and the non-cold room has a few random older wines (some of which were stolen from a good friend when he was.a storage customer - some bottles from premier cru).


Didn’t realize they moved out. Still, they may still be under the same company?

no clue. whomever owned the prior iteration (if different than current) is a criminal.


I’d be walking into the store right away and demanding a response. This same situation didn’t end well for a close friend.


Walked by the other day… they are long long gone… the space is going to be rented to another company, completely unaffiliated, and I think there are going to do another wine store, but not with storage.

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Are you talking about the space inside Chelsea Market? If so, I agree. But if you look upthread, @ybarselah mentioned that they moved across the street. Not sure if the new place still exists.

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Yes, inside Chelsea Market. Apologies for the confusion.