Chicago Nov 4th (Monday) - 6 PM (The Gage)

Hi Scott,

Since we’re at 7, would it be a problem to add Andrew Moldenhauer to this? I mentioned this to him and he said he can make it if there’s room.

Not at all, Keith. I’ll call The Gage to make our reservation for eight people.

I updated the initial post.

I’ll be bringing a 2005 Geantet-Pansiot Gevrey-Chambertin en Champs
Looking forward to meeting everyone next week

See all of you guys tomorrow.

Sounds good Andre, looking forward to it.

so…that keller last night at CCR champagne.gif

great seeing and meeting everyone

Looking forward to your notes!

It was great to meet everyone - was a lovely evening.

Now, where can I find more of that Keller? It’s dead at retail. May have to make a return trip sometime to CCR and the Game Room.

See everyone in a couple of weeks.

Amazing night! Thanks for organizing Scott and to everyone for the great wines! (Not pictured…the killer Keller from later)


Great bunch of guys last night, thanks all. That Keller was Killer !

Also just added info for potential Chicago offline on the 19th for Riesling and Pizza if anyone is interested.

Great meeting everyone last night.
Boy, it was tough to wake up this morning but worth it.
I think we ended up with 5 champagne, 9 burg and 2 riesling.