CT handles


Sweet Nancy


Awwww, now that’s perfect! [cheers.gif]


BTW I’m still going to push for more fleshed out profiles in CT :slight_smile:

My handle is Will (and #291 for bragging rights).

When I relaunch the site later this year there will be a much stronger push on this.

Great news. Will really help in sorting out my favorite tasters and connect with the rest of the community!


Any thoughts about a beta testing group?

What do you guys mean by this? more fleshed out profiles?

User profiles in CT are pretty basic right now, at least from my point of view. Basically CT profiles allow you to see: the user’s TNs, the user’s cellar (depending on privacy settings), the user favorite regions and favorite tasters (other users).

By more fleshed out I mean maybe the option to publish real name, where the user ranks on the enjoyment vs hardcore totally impartial tasting scale, the user’s experience with wines, connections to the business, picture … literally whatever could help me know some ppl better and get some context on their TNs. Also an email to get in touch with them for X or Y reason. All of this on a 100% optional basis.

That would turn CT into even more of a community, where now it’s more a collection of anonymous users.

tim corliss

Jim, I may well do a small closed beta earlier. But that is also not really in the general spirit of transparency. So what i will likely do is offer a parallel site when I am ready. For everyone. Running against the same database. So you can easily switch back and forth from new site to old with no issues. But I need to get a bit further first.

BTW, people can add a photo and bio in their profile, their region, can make their real name public etc. I just haven’t created a lot of visibility around these features. And the current CT site (apart from the forum) doesn’t let you message publicly or privately etc.

Go here. Now: http://www.cellartracker.com/editprofile.asp" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
(Link will only work for a logged in user.)

Seems like everytime I spend time with Cellartracker beyond entering the simple bottle or tasting note, I discover a new feature.

It may be old news to you, but I never knew that when looking at another user’s profile, you can click on Wines In Common and see exactly that.

Not sure what I would ever do with such information in CT’s current version, but it’s pretty cool anyway.

I didn’t know about that feature either! I am headed over there to see if Mike Pobega and I have any wines in common. If we do, it has to be some sort of metaphor for peace and harmony among the many peoples of the world.

(Shoot, not one!)

Nice! Can’t we all just get along…

Not unless you drink ‘manly’ wines. [gen_fro.gif]
No wimpy wines.

This is one of my favorite features of CT. I’m looking forward to a tool that will spotlight the cellars of others whose cellars are most similar to mine.

“Favorite Tasters” is another feature that adds much value to the site. [cheers.gif]

[bump] … because the population here has more than doubled since the last post was made. [thumbs-up.gif] [basic-smile.gif]