Does California wine suck?

Pot stirrer… now you’ve gone and made Mike pissed off. Great. [pillow-fight.gif]

Great idea…sort of a ‘separate but equal’ kind of thing :slight_smile:

Brilliant idea!

do you have some sort of bias against California wine? I know you have beef with it, why don’t you just admit it? Obviously if you don’t like California wine, the only reason is because you have some secret vendetta against California wine right? California wine is just trying to get by, it’s an upstart wine state. It just had its first book written about it’s life and growth with wine. Getting a few mentions on TV and the internet. Just working by itself without much help. Just trust California wine. It’ll hopefully return the trust you’ve put into it.

newhere [snort.gif]

Yeah, please state the hidden meaning in your message. Or are you anti-semantic?

Start your own damn board, Roberto. Jeez, such demands!

Whoa…First thing it’s not that I dislike California wine, it’s just that I have to wait so damn long for them to show up!
Have you seen the new Rhys… Futures! Is Kevin going to let me down when he doesn’t deliver by the time they shut down?
I emailed Brinkman a couple of times and one time it took almost 2 days for a response, can you believe that, two days!!! ridiculous…
My vendetta is that all these folks, working hard to make a product, are all gliding by with us board members head in the clouds not realizing that there ‘golden boy’ days are over… Artisans, BS!

I mean look at Roy Piper, promoting California wines by giving everyone the inside scoop on new ‘golden boy/girl’ wineries, what a self promoter, doesn’t he realize he is just part of the NAPA machine now…

And this guy Didline, HE is the California promotion conspiracy machine…

I think that most of these Californians, with their ‘liberal’ laws and ‘talented’ winemakers should stop pretending that there is over a 100 year history and just step in line with every other grape growing region and make ‘shitty’ wines.

Maybe they should all just give up now or feel the wrath of the boards for trying to fulfill their dreams, I mean they all are just pulling the wool over our heads! Only Bruno Giacosa can do that!!! And only in 64’!!!

And to finish with my favorite quote of the day:

‘I am done chasing your wines, I just want what I purchased and paid for years ago.’

see Craig. Jason gets it :smiley:

Here we go again…

Bit I like Dildine’s input. I’d hate to lose him permanently to the French thread.

Has Mike threatened to stop posting yet? If not, can we all pretend that he has and run around like chickens with our heads cut off? And regardless of what Mike does, shouldn’t we all start one or two cynical threads of our own in protest, which seems so much more narcissistic than just posting? :slight_smile:

Hmmm…I am wondering if that last line would work on Premier Cru…

We are Americans.

Aren’t those places all part of France? neener

Indeed, and what it France anyway, besides some kind of weird “Euro Napa”?

You know what? I want to be more like Charlie. What brand of designer jeans do you wear Fu? Are they French, I hope? [wink.gif]

No one really likes California wine. It’s only the Flavor Wine Elite who claim to like it to spoil everyone else’s fun*.

* sarcasm - just for Eric

[quote="Adam Lee"Two of the hidden advantages of making shitty wine from every appellation and microclimate is that we never get complaints about not shipping in a timely basis and we are never upset about reviewers not reviewing our wines for 18 plus months.[/quote]

Hey Adam! You haven’t answered the email I didn’t send you!

That’s the Anti-Complexity Wine Elite, thank you very much!

Some here have a bias against California wine. But if you don’t like California wine, what can you drink? French Bordeaux taste like dirt, and French Burgundy is out of most people’s budget. Rhones from France don’t hold a candle to those from Paso Robles.

Lest we forget those shitty wines from Oregon that pretend to be Burgundian, and are so weak that they have no flavor.

Italians are okay, but they’re not everyone’s cup of tea. What is at left for those who don’t like California? BOURBON.

I must be getting old. Was this meant to be tongue in cheek? So much of Wine Talk turns into gimmicky inside jokes, that a lot of it is lost on me. But do people really believe this drivel?

“French Bordeaux tastes like dirt?”

“Rhones from France don’t hold a candle to those from Paso Robles.”

I mean, really?