Falltacular 'Excess Inventory' Auction 7 - Belharra, Fogline, Model Farm, Myriad, Quivet

As outlined in this thread - COMING TOMORROW (10/28) - Falltacular 'Excess' Inventory Auctions, fundraising for Laura's House! - these auctions are an additional fundraiser for Laura’s House, from the Falltacular event held last weekend. Frank wisely decided to repurpose the leftover inventory of donated wines to create a fundraising opportunity.

Successful bidders will make payments directly to Laura’s House (Frank will be in contact at the end of the auction) and shipping will be arranged separately, if needed. Starting bids are based on around 55% of retail

Auctions end on Nov 1 at NOON Pacific - final bid will be timestamped and winners notified.


(7 bottles total)

2021 Belharra Rose of Syrah Las Madres Carneros
2018 Belharra Syrah Las Madres Carneros
2019 Belharra Syrah Las Madres Carneros
2019 Fogline Syrah Cloud Twelve Petaluma Gap
2019 Model Farm Syrah Petaluma Gap
2021 Myriad Syrah Sangiacomo Whole Cluster
2021 Quivet Syrah Kenefick Ranch Whole Cluster


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Hey everyone. This is the only lot without a bid. These are all solid syrahs and priced less than $30 a bottle. If you have looked at this lot and thought about it, please bid. The wines need a good home, and the proceeds will ALL go to Laura’s House.

Thank you.

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Luca…thank you!:clap::clap::clap::handshake:

Luca, thank you for the current winning bid here. The bidding on this lot will close soon, too.

One thing to make sure I am up front about as we didn’t make it clear when we posted these lots. None of the bottles have been opened and they ALL came direct from the wineries to me, but on the day event we did shave the capsule foil on a # of these bottles, as we do that every year when we set up the event. So, some foils are cut at the bottle lip but that is the only alteration that was made. I just want to be up front about this in case it bugs anybody,


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Luca, thank you! We appreciate you winning these wines, and in turn helping Laura’s House advance their work to protect, heal and educate those affected by domestic violence.

As for next steps, please make a donation in your winning amount to Laura’s House. Use this link: https://secure.processdonation.org/LaurasHouse/donation.aspx?causeid=304, and select *In Honor Of/In Memory Of, and then in the large comment box towards the bottom right, please enter Falltacular Repurpose Auction–all of this enables the charity to know this support came from the WB community. And, I would encourage you to assume the CC fee that will be shown when you make the payment, and while it is small, if you pick up this fee then your entire amount is donated.

As for shipping, send me an email (drfm3@cox.net) with your ph # and I will call you so we can walk through the who, what and when. It’s cooled off so I am ready to ship if you can receive.

Thank you so much for your support and I look forward to hearing from you.