Flannery Beef - Putting you in the Dry Aging Driver's Seat (plus some timeless favs)

In for 8 NY steaks, thinking I can pull these out of the freezer all year long when the mood strikes me. My wallet is starting to hurt already and the day isn’t over.

Steve, if they were the 8 oz, you got the last ones! Guess I’ll try the 6oz.

Been waiting a while for this one. 6 steaks on the way!

In for some NY strips and a 40 oz porterhouse just ‘cuz.

Despite having Flannery with some of the folks from here in Chicago a few years back I somehow have passed over this previous BDs. Not today. In for some mixed NYs and threw in some mismatches and burgers as well. Can’t wait to fire up the grill!

Indeed 8 of them!

Just ate the last of our 2017 60 day BD Ribeye last night to prepare for BD today! We personally prefer the Ribeyes but more than happy with the NY. I also went looking for the sliders but didn’t see them… alas I’ll have something to order next time. Thanks Bryan - love these steaks!

Can we use the lost aged meat from the 107/109 for a burger grind?..I am trying to form more argument for buying this to my wife!

Berry - I’ve just added some more inventory on the Paves; this next batch won’t be aged and ready to ship until the week of Feb 12th, but if you can wait till then, we’ve got you covered! Let me know if you’d like to adjust your order to the 8ozs, and I can take care of it (-Katie)

Order in! My brother in law (and SIL) from Vancouver, WA. and then my best friends from New York will be visiting (separately) [snort.gif] and now we are ready! Don’t want to spoil them too much or we will never get rid of them! grouphug [rofl.gif]

Marshall [berserker.gif]

Hi Katie;

Kind offer, email sent!


Adam, Depends on thickness. Figure on a Porterhouse, 1" is about a pound. On a T-B, 1’ is about 3/4pound. Entire loin is about 16 to 18" long. Porterhouse, I would suggest 2" which will serve 2-3 adults heartily. The Porterhoues (filet) gets too small after about half way through the loin.
So on average, you would get 4-5 2" Porterhouse, and about 6 or 7 1" T-Bones. You could also go with Bone in Ny or Boneless Ny instead of T-Bones.
If you decide to try this, I’ll reach out to you during the process, and we can drill down into exactly how best to configure for you.
Sorry to be so long winded- feel free to call me directly if any more questions.

Best, Bryan

Nathan, yes, you could absolutely use the trim for burger. I would suggest using all the shortrib meat, add a little of the fat, and add the dry aged ends- would make a killer blend. Just a guess on quantity, maybe 5-6# ? Bryan

Thank you for the reply and figure this would be the type of answer. Very helpful! We will be chatting soon, as I did place the order.

Brian, how thick are the Saratoga’s?

Hi Ron; the mismatched Saratoga Steaks that we have in the Helluva Deal section of our site range from 1.5-2" thick. The thickness will vary slightly because the whole muscle tapers slightly from one end to the next. As such; an 8oz portion cut from the ‘fatter’ end will be thicker than an 8oz cut from the ‘thinner’ end.
If you’re aiming for a specific weight, drop us a note in the comments section during checkout, and we can do our best to pick the right thickness. -B

Thanks Brian.

We generally sous vide to about 48 to 50C and toss on the grill just to color them up, so thicker is nicer.

Order coming in.

Ordered Pave earlier.

Order in for 30 and 60 day new yorks and some wagu. I just love doing side by sides with the 30 and 60 just like one would do with wine!
So tempting on the 107/109, maybe next year so much wine to buy… and I want to stay married.

placed an order and realized i needed more so had to go back and order more…too bad nothing over 16oz of 60 days was available…
i still have 5 rib roast i order last month in the freezer…running out of space…i’ll be using my new big green egg to cook some of these!