Greatest outdoor wine "glass" of all time.

The rim looks pretty thick on this stainless cup - but might be tapered? A thick rim makes any ‘glassware’ feel cheap, like standard restaurant Libby glasses.

You can have the logo printed on GoVinos too -

Personalized 4 Pack 12 oz. Govino Stemless Wine Glasses | IL556DS - DiscountMugs - $21.76 a box of 4 - 12 oz glass
#125071-24HR is no longer available | 4imprint Promotional Products - $367 for 72 ($3.99/glass +$80 charge for art) - 16 oz glass - quantity discounts up to 1152 glasses ($3.25 apiece) – 12 oz glass|pcrid|109436166363|pmt||pkw||pdv|c|product|642-542|slid||&pgrid=31686852963&ptaid=pla-61865531738&st-t=ppc&vt-k=&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=CjwKCAjw7vraBRBbEiwA4WBOn9XT6Npo80iaDkfmV5WUjo9RUKxZSDlD1ubOEvG8zKEtxgZKCeV24BoCAa4QAvD_BwE - also discounts with volume ($3.00 at 1152) - 16 oz glass
Govino® 16 oz Shatterproof Wine Cup - Promotional Giveaway | Crestline - get it down to $2.98 a glass for over 4608 units - also 16 oz.
– and here 16 oz for $2.33 at 576 units -

(There are other suppliers - these are the first I saw with a quick Google search)

We love GoVinos but they aren’t good for thermal protection like these stainless ones appear to be…

Asking my wife to snap some pics. Will post the rims before lunch time.

In for 6! [cheers.gif]

“Rolled rim.”

It doesn’t feel as thick as it looks. From memory, I would have said “tapered.” I think it gets nicely thin where mouth meets container.

Thank you, great wife! [cheers.gif]

You’re just not drinking fast enough.

Sorry I don’t get it. Unless you are Superman/girl you can’t see the colour of that beautiful pale Provencale Rose or whatever that is part of summer’s pleasure. These might serve if you are in a combat zone perhaps.

I am with Richard… I don’t get it. If I am using a stainless steel cup I am drinking something other than wine and I live in South Florida! [snort.gif]

Why not throw a bunch of money at Fivver and get a new Berserker logo designed? (then you can have it in whatever vector format you want)

Count me NOT impressed.
For me, part of the pleasure of wine is the visual.
One can’t see chit with these.
In my opinion, they are more akin to drinking ale out of a Pre-Revolutionary War tankard.
Tanks, but no tanks…

I am sitting on the deck right now sipping on a Carlisle Two acres, out of a Zalto Bordeaux. It is a beautiful wine and a beautiful glass. Unfortunately i am having to make very short pours because it is getting warm too fast, it I can deal with it, for now.