HORL - knife sharpener - Made in Germany

:pinched_fingers: perfect

Well, the results are kind of the most important part. Any comments on the results? :wink:

Fantastic - more satisfaction in wiping the blade and viewing the steel dust

A couple of months ago my step brother was cooking at my house. It had been a while since I sharpened my knives, which I did with this system, and I thought they were due for a touch up. When I said as much, he put a perfectly clean slice through a tomato with no manual pressure at all (less than the weight of the knife), very quickly. He just moved the knife a little bit once it touched the tomato. It looked like an infomercial for a knife set. I guess that one was still quite sharp, and it’s the knife I use most often.

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More worrisome than taking off too much material, unless you really know what you’re doing electric sharpeners can actually bend the edge of the blade - essentially curling it up upon itself. Basically a huge burr. I’ve witnessed it across multiple friends who (mis) use electric sharpeners.