How do you like your eggs?

Best egg dish I ever had was the truffle omelette at La Beaugraviere; second best the egg at Manresa. If I’m making it, I think my favorite would be poached almost to firmness (just a little runny yolk) on Salade Frisée aux Lardons.

I fry two eggs in olive oil on low heat. At the very end, I turn up the heat, pour a little water into the pan, cover, and the steam turns the film over the yolks white. Sort of a combo fry/poach. Then, I drain any remaining water and plate the eggs. Then, I pop the plump, runny yolks, pour ketchup into the yolk, cover the whole thing with Crystal hot sauce. Cholula also works fine. Liberally salt and pepper. With a fork, I mix the ketchup, yolk and hot sauce, then spread the resulting sauce evenly over the eggs and eat.

I love this dish, too, but for some reason, I file this in my brain under the types of salads I enjoy.

Ketchup?!?!?!? If you like the hot stuff, use Sriracha and kill two birds with one stone.

Sriracha is good stuff!

Technically, if you’re eating eggs with Sriracha, you’re killing more than two birds. :slight_smile:

Yup, but to quote Linda Rhondstadt…“It hurts so gooooooood!”.

My latest guilty pleasure, poached egg sandwiches.

The eggs poached to perfection and runny as hell when they break. The key for me is the bread, brioche; which I then bird nest out a bit. Hit it with some butter and and garlic before toasting them up. Salt, Pepper, serve and try not to get too messy.

So good.

Sriracha on perfectly hard boiled eggs is the best!!

I like eggs so many ways.

sous vide jelly yolks under caviar
soft boiled runny yolk
over easy
spanish tortilla
tex mex scramble
green apple and white cheddar omelettes

list goes on

After I first tried Ramsey’s slow, custardy scramble, I didn’t want eggs any other way. I swap in plain yoghurt for creme fraiche and it works just fine.

Poached or fried with firm whites and still soft yolks. A good 6+ min egg is nice, too. Soft scrambled. Hard boiled. Egg salad. I love eggs.

Fried, whites spread out in the pan, so that the whites are lacy and crisp, and the yolk is still runny.
Classic tortilla with potatoes and onions.
Pacific NW tortilla with chanterelles and shallots.
Frittata oh so many ways. Asparagus and chevre bears a special mention here.
Sous vide.
En Meurette (works well with sous vide, too)

Benedict is OK, but not worth the effort if I’m cooking. Low QPR.

I like mine Gordon Ramsay scrambled. With truffles.
Or caviar.