I broke another damn stem

This is how I found out the weakest point is always the stem. I’ve knocked over SZ’s on the counter a few times only to see them bounce. Drop them into the box too quick and snap.

While I have broken more than one hand washing I do notice an odd odor often on glasses that are cleaned in the dishwasher. I would follow Patrick’s advice and rinse them after a wash.

So… not just lacking poker playin’ skillz… but also chip tossing skillz?
pileon [cheers.gif]


Seriously though it’s stated policy in our house to never get upset over a broken stem. It takes a moment or 2 to fight the impulse, but worthwhile to learn to take it with a grain of salt. If a glass is so expensive it really warrants getting upset, then that’s a sign to switch to a cheaper stem.

My great secret of stemware is never spending more than $3, and it’s all Austrian crystal :wink:

It’s an east coast store call The Christmas Tree Shop, and the 3 near me all sell generic Austrian crystal, most of it is $1.99. I’ve purchased some rather nice looking stems, most of which look great and functional. Multiple trips required, as selection is some times limited, but I’ve got tons of these, and regularly go back for more.


You have to get them at a restaurant supply house, and that means you have to know someone “in the business.” Some vendors are picky about this; others just want the sales.

There are a few retailers out there that carry them but they don’t list them in their inventory so they don’t get “busted” by the Riedel police who want us to buy over priced stem ware.

I hand wash & dishwash my SZ Cru Classic about 50/50. Every breakage thus far has been one of those two DW loading gaffes - especially the former, which exposes a real Achilles heel in glasses that have otherwise suffered all kinds of slings and arrows unscathed. Another lesson learned: use only unscented detergent - Method’s tablets work great here.

Does anybody remember when we all bought boxes and boxes of Speigelau from Amazon for a couple of bucks a stem, like 8 years ago? I’m still working through those. And I’ve relocated twice since then. Movers freaking love those – wrapping each damned one of em?
Supply dwindling. We need something like that to come back again.

I can’t imagine putting even those into my dishwasher. Where do you guys put em and feel confident? I want an iphone pic or something. I don’t care so much about the stems, I just don’t wanna clean broken glass outta my dishwasher.

And lastly… can we actually buy Crapula anywhere? Cuz I want that just as a paperweight?

That’s what I’m still using. In the dishwasher. I’ll snap a pic tonight

Use straws, not stems.

I have yet to break an sz stem. Lots of others though. Usually not mine though and at other peoples homes.

I’m so retarded, I broke another stem tonight. Same SZ full bodied top ten. I just bought another to replace the one I broke that started this thread. Now I have to go buy another. I feel really dumb.

I think we have found a statement with which we all can agree.


I broke another stem tonight. Same SZ full bodied top ten. I just bought another to replace the one I broke that started this thread. Now I have to go buy another. I feel really dumb.

Top Ten iz da ballerz cups, yo! I’ve been very happy with the utility and durability of the Tritans. Maybe your wines always taste better though in their high rent cradles. [whistle.gif]

Try using stem grip in your dishwasher so you don’t break your stems. They have worked for me stemgrip.com

I have also been blessed with not breaking any stems no matter how I was on it, of course now that I say that I will start breaking them.

I suspect an over-application of alcohol. [wow.gif]

Whenever I have guests over i ALWAYS make a point to assign a job to one person…

Do NOT, under ANY circumstances let me wash my Riedels tonight.

I’m very OCD about cleaning up the ktichen before i turn in and i’ve broken WAY too many expensive glasses under a wine fueeled fog.

riedel o - haven’t broken a stem since i switched - also love when you knock them over they drop a little wine then roll back up.

Just how fragile are the Riedel Somm burgundy glasses? I made a comment in passing to my girl that the shape and bowl size is sweet and the next day the have a glass. Wow! I’m drinking from it now and I’m scared it will snap at the stem while I’m drinking, thanks to you guys. Why two-piece? My Zaltos appear to be a one piece, and quite frankly they are very durable, unless rolled off the counter. Oops.

Really? Nooooo help. Haha