Because of the rude a-hole that answered the phone at Bizou Wiines in New Orleans!
That will show them!
I have some I can sell you. Call me, on +55 555 1234 567 :)!
For some, principle takes precedent over prosperity. Perhaps that’s a concept that is foreign for you.
Yes, I’m sure the merchant is gnashing his teeth and pulling his hair at losing you as a customer.
I can speculate that no “precedent” was established by your knee-jerk one-time experience. Perhaps, instead, it was nothing more than a simple misunderstanding . . . brought about by your misuse of the English language??? Damn picky Cajuns . . . .
First, let me say that it is great to once again be wallowing in the mire! And maybe you should brush up on English grammar so that you know that “precedent” can be used as an adjective as well as a noun.
No doubt it was not something you said - you’ve always been such an agreeable fellow . . . .
You used it incorrectly, regardless of whether you intended it as an adjective or noun.
I don’t normally comment but it’s pretty funny you are schooling Terry on the use of the word " precedent".
Perhaps I should have “schooled” him on disparaging Cajun ethnicity.
Not waters I want to wade in most certainly.
Michael, how about a little more detail. We all have our limits, but I would have jumped over backwards in order to keep my allocation a couple of years ago. I was in fact nice and the retailer still dumped me
Not a retailer. The wholesaler in this area. I simply asked whether he had an eta knowing that this is the typical time the wines arrive. He busted my balls for asking.
Given their Champagne book, this is probably an incredibly stressful next 10 days for that business (or anyone in the wine and spirits business). My gentle suggestion (based on 20 years in the business) would be call on the 2nd of January - everyone’s deep in it right now.
So you, as a functioning adult, got so angry as to make a post on the internet about it? Are you also one of the people ranting about how younger generations have it so easy these days?
Suck it up buttercup. It’s just wine. Act like a human being.
Perhaps you should learn to comprehend what you read, if in fact you read the OP. It wasn’t about wine. It was about rudeness.
I read it. And I understand you took your ball and went home. And then decided the rest of us needed to hear about it, presumably because you are proud of yourself for doing so. But most of us just think you’re acting like a petulant 6 year old and couldn’t care less about your tantrum. But because it’s Cedric Bouchard in the title I read the thread. Wish I hadn’t, but that’s water under the bridge.
I actually respect what you said here. Of course you are wrong about everything and that should come as no surprise to anyone. But at least you said it in a thoughtful way. So go back to your juggling and if you ever get any balls, try the trapeze.
Oh, someone knows how to google. How cool of you. Seriously, I didn’t look you up because I don’t care about you. I prefer to use my time more productively. And now you will go on ignore because you are literally nothing to me.