If you had to pick 2 Champagne Producers......

Oh…so I can’t do this with the Mesnil and Ambonnay??? [beee.gif]

Roederer and Ulysse Collin.

Dom and Krug. They are great across the board in Rosé and Blanc… Holy crap I am leaving a lot of favorites off the list: Saves, Salon, Egly-Ouriet, to name a few…

Vilmart was an easy choice.
For my second I wavered between a bunch of choices all mentioned above before deciding on
Marie Courtin.

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No one picked Salon? If price is no object, that is in my top two.
Otherwise Vilmart and Roederer, who is just on fire lately.


Krug and Pol Roger - both pretty decent across their whole range!

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Villmart is my choice, vintage or not.

Vilmart and Marguet.

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Almost put Marguet. Was sooo close. [wink.gif]

Delamotte makes Salon.

Yes, but I considered them to be separate.

I didn’t.

Which breakfast cereal do you prefer?


Roederer definitely hits on all cylinders at all price points form their Ca bubbly all the way up to this years amazing Cristsal It seems like they are more on their game than ever. Vilmart I seem to always be reaching for so I suppose it demands the number 2 spot, although equally impressive yet hard to find is Alexandre Filaine, tiny producer who makes amazing wines from their cuvee reserve’ up to their vintage wine the Sensuum Vertigo. Mostly sold in Ct NY and Ca.

Easy, house champagne and grower champagne.

Krug. & salon


If my “only 2” champagne producers made wines that started at $125 and $350 respectively, I supposed I’d have to find something other than champagne to drink.

Nothing in the OP’s post prevents you from drinking Cava, Sext, California sparkling wine, sparkling wines from the Loire or still wines from everywhere in the world.