Mailing List Culling

I guess you can’t shred that order form then. :slight_smile:

I also pick up at least a 3 pack of it. The price is the same as last year so we can’t bitch about that… [diablo.gif]

You know what I mean.

What is the pricing on the maggies this year?

Maybe the 3-pack comes in a wood box?

Bill, go for some of that 05 PS. Had it pop and pour this fall and it was outstanding!

Already done. I am a big fan of any PS that Foley touches. Already got over a case and a half of his own label. The SBR seems like a no brainer…the others on the list are a pass though.

My order form only shows Matriarch in 750s.

The mags of their other stuff come in a 5 Mag case for $3000.

Says that everything is shipped in wooden cases. Once you pop off the side with the pretty writing, the rest of the box does make for good, albeit expensive, kindling.

I was just curious on the bond mags…I don’t think Matriarch has even been offered in large format.

$3K is getting up there.

Last year was my cutback year. Off of Harlan, Screagle, et al.
I am still going with Schrader as much as they will sell me, Scarecrow that is only 3 bottles, 06 Maybach based on the recs, 12 Lewelling that was $40 a bottle including Wight, I just cut QC to 6 bottles and I sadly will pass on Corra, despite my affection for Celia.

Bill, I don’t drink KB, no need to bash. [cheers.gif]

Jack, understood.

I am also most likely in for a 3 pack of Matriarch. While $85/per is still expensive, I am very happy and surprised that Bill Harlan kept the price the same.

I just got my notice for an allocation, off the mailing list, just in time for me not to buy any!

I bought some heh