Marcassin Pinot Noir 2012 release

Signed up online about 6 months ago. Got an offer letter on Thursday stating that due to ‘beneficence’ of the yield, that I can get 2012 from the waiting list.

I too signed up 1-2 years ago and received a letter in the mail this past week stating if my order was received in time, I would be able to purchase the 2012 pinot from the waiting list. The way the letter was worded, and how I understood it, was that IF your order was received in time and you are granted your requested bottles, you would then be moved to the active list moving forward.

Anyone else under the same assumption?

got the same letter last week and sent in for request to purchase 9 bottles along with check…lets see if they will cash the check now…

I’ll take the abuse of the one of the best Pinots out there.
But, if you’re drinking them on release, not getting the full experience

I checked my account yesterday and it appears they cashed my check. Haven’t received any emails confirming I’m on the active list but assume I should get confirmation soon.

I don’t remember confirmations until they let you know they are shipping. I think the confirmation is the cashing of the check.

That’s good to know…thanks

how far ahead to they sell relative to shipping?

what is the advantage of purchasing direct? i tried the 2012 pinot back in february, the bottle was purchased at a retailer for <$200

M…Mailing list is below $200 even with shipping.

Has anyone heard anything about the 2013’s? By now they should actually be shipping 2015’s you would think!

I’m anxiously awaiting info about the 2013 chardonnay release. New customers who were granted 2012 pinot were told they’d be offered 2013 chard last Fall, but thus far nothing.