Maybach morning

My allocation is still there … well, it was … until I just bought it. Seems like the theme of 2011 wines is that the allocations are gone in a blink.

4-1-3 allocation, but I only went for 3 and 2.

Did everyone receive an email today? I didn’t, I just went to the site and logged in to order, but I never received an email today telling me the site was live. I just gave a friend a heads up as he asked if I got any email.

I got the email on Jan 31 and noted it in my calendar.

I didnt get en email, I had the fancy booklet with the date and login info…

Same here.

Got the e-mail and the mailer.

anyone see a delivery date?

4+1 left the Chards on the table.


As a grizzled veteran of the Rivers-Marie and Rhys campaigns, this was a piece of cake.

  • 1


Mine just arrived. 2hours. Tasty and fast.

Looks like the Chard is sold out also.

Didn’t realise they had a drive thru [berserker.gif] [snort.gif]

Ordered the cabs, no chardonnay for me

Then dropped Scarecrow a note that they can remove me from their mailing list. Maybach is my only $100+ nap cab now and I’m sticking with it

1 Scarecrow >=< 2 Maybachs? … everything is relative …, but if I had to make a choice, I probably would have to go with the 2 Maybachs

I wimped out and only took 2 of 4 Cabs and left everything else. I’ve spent most of my spring wine budget on pinot already and am saving the remainder for some '09 Burgs.

I still have some choices to make, but I feel, like Tim, that this might be the only $100+ Napa wine that I’ll buy this year

I too would like some feedback on Bob’s question, some comprative comments would be appreciated, too.

Just took my 4, so they are still there. -mJ