Maybach on Deck

Based on previous years (on Cellartracker):

2015 - 96.9
2014 - 97.9
2013 - 97.9
2012 - 96

I think I can safely say you and anyone getting their first allocation is good to go. No CT notes on 2016 and 2017.

Thanks, I’m sure they will score high given the vintage and history.

Offering goes live tomorrow!

Is it first come first serve?

My allocation is small enough, I think they must be guaranteed for a week or something?

It’s open

Order in
My allocation went up a bit this year… (I didn’t take near all of it)
Added a .375mL - love that they offer this format of the Materium!


Great to see no price increase on the 750 Materium, although a small ($20) increase on the mag.

So, still an “easy” buy for me.


I snagged my full 750ml Materium allocation, but that’s it. This one hurt the pocketbook!

And just went back for the Amoenus after reading tasting notes.

Anyone else having issues on the shipping. I enter the address, but then when I pick the shipping option it auto corrects to VinFliment

In for a few bottles. I wish I could afford more.

I am having the same issue that I cannot pick a shipping option and emailed them.

Ditto. Bought 3 750 ml and 2 375 ml. Checked out and it sends it to vinfillment. Then they did not show a charge for shipping to vinfillment. Worried now. I wonder if vinfillment will send me an invoice for $58 now

Went back in and it seems to work, no idea what was happening

Order In! The AMEX is crying in the corner…

Ordered! Mostly Materium, with a bit of Amoenus and Eterium. I too love the 375s, but I only grabbed two because the sticker shock was already severe.

This one hurt, and Realm is next in 2 weeks. Will have to cut back on other wine purchases.

Is this guaranteed?

Did not say, just indicated how many of each wine and bottlesize allocated.